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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Hakim: real communication between the leaders of Baghdad and the Kurdistan region has resulted in co

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    Hakim: real communication between the leaders of Baghdad and the Kurdistan region has resulted in co Empty Hakim: real communication between the leaders of Baghdad and the Kurdistan region has resulted in co

    Post by Rocky Fri 28 Oct 2016, 3:19 am

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    Hakim: real communication between the leaders of Baghdad and the Kurdistan region has resulted in collaboration and great victories

    Nur News / Baghdad 
    confirmed the National Alliance leader Ammar al - Hakim, " The visit of the President of the Kurdistan region Massoud Albarrazna the last to Baghdad was positive and resulted in significant cooperation on theground and a large part of this cooperation that we find today and that we appeal to him resulted from 

    this visit and real communication between leadership in Baghdad and the region and cooperation to achieve this great victory. " 
    Hakim said while inspecting military units in the axis Alkwyr northern city of Mosul, yesterday, according to a statement , " Nur News "received a copy of it, that" the cooperation between Baghdad and the region large and collaboration reflex on Baghdad and commander forces armed political and military leaders areall Mstbcron, and our presence today an expression of pride in the cooperation between the army and thePeshmerga in such cutouts for the first time the army enters the region and opens him all the doors and on to the battlefield. " 
    he pointed out that" the administration in Iraq determined by the Iraqis form, Iraqi leaders consultation, what concerns us is to work together and the distribution of roles, and leaders within the federal system are the ones who agree on the nature of the management of the country , "pointing out that" we are indire need of cooperation and solidarity and to perfume the thoughts and souls, and focus on the enemy at the moment and this is what we do and our presence today an expression of this cohesion and support great, we stand supportive of the army and the Peshmerga and the crowd and the Federal police and all the forces that are fighting. " 
    but he stressed," the need to surround dilemmas size not be the reason for the aggravation of crisis, but we want to unite the arena and comfort her and stay focused on the battle we are with calming thesituation. " 
    He continued , " we reject the presence of Turkish troops in Iraqi territory without federal government approval, noting that "we have made clear that the presence of any military forces on Iraqi territory should be in coordination with the Iraqi government, and Turkish forces have not come in coordination so we asked towed to open security cooperation." 
    " It concerns us to involve the largest number States in the war on terrorism, and there are countries cooperate outside the framework of the international coalition we would like to be Turkey 's partner here in the face of terrorism, but through coordination with the government. " 
    He said al - Hakim" We hope the international community who stood supportive of Iraq and forces outside the alliance to continue to coordinate with the government Iraq ", adding that" anyone who wants to provide support is a resource welcome but we want to be through clear and explicit coordination with theIraqi government. " 
    among the National Alliance leader, said that" Daesh not born as a result of a security problem purely, and eliminate them are not in the processors military and security, but we need a range of solutions and Besdartha security processing, and beside them economic, developmental and social treatment. " 
    he stressed that" we in the national Alliance , which is the largest bloc, and he has to submit proposals process and the seriousness of the partners, we study of an important document for national settlement, and we are in the final stages and will be presented to the partners and the Iraqi people to coincide with the release of Mosul to reflect a new phase where the cooperation at its peak in the political and service fields, Iraq is for everyone and it is not for some of the components on the other components of theexpense , "pointing out that" the initiative is provided by the National Alliance for partners , which is anessential input to deepen this partnership ".

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