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    OPEC has not yet received commitments from producers outside on the restriction of production

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    OPEC has not yet received commitments from producers outside on the restriction of production Empty OPEC has not yet received commitments from producers outside on the restriction of production

    Post by Rocky Sun 30 Oct 2016, 4:54 am

    OPEC has not yet received commitments from producers outside on the restriction of production
    Wrote: October 30, 2016
    OPEC has not yet received commitments from producers outside on the restriction of production %D8%A7%D9%88%D8%A8%D9%83-350x184
    It has not made any specific commitments from producers outside OPEC on acceding to restrict production to boost crude oil price levels, suggesting a desire to replace OPEC internal differences first.
    A statement issued by the meeting, which was held in Vienna Saturday for consultations among OPEC members and producers from the outside, including Azerbaijan, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Oman, Russia, which stated that the conferees agreed to hold a meeting before the regular meeting of OPEC on the thirtieth of November.
    Deputy Minister of Energy in Kazakhstan Mjsoom Mirzakhaliyv told reporters after the meeting lasted seven hours yesterday, "should agree on realistic numbers."
    "It is necessary to meet again with a detailed figures. We agreed to meet within three to four weeks with the numbers, because each state has its own opinion. "
    The producers of OPEC and outside in a joint statement yesterday that the meeting was "a positive development" toward a deal to restrict production in the thirtieth of November.
    The oil is trading near $ 50 a barrel, less than half the price in mid-2014 due to continued oversupply affects the revenue-producing countries.
    OPEC had agreed last month in Algiers to cut a modest oil production in the first cut since 2008 in order to raise prices. But it has not yet reached a final agreement in this regard.
    A meeting of OPEC experts or the Supreme Committee for OPEC in politics does not decide but provides recommendations for the ministerial meeting of OPEC in the next November 30 to be held in Vienna, too. "Reuters"

      Current date/time is Mon 16 Sep 2024, 11:47 am