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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq fined million dollars a month for a Korean aircraft purchased by al-Maliki and allocates about

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    Iraq fined million dollars a month for a Korean aircraft purchased by al-Maliki and allocates about  Empty Iraq fined million dollars a month for a Korean aircraft purchased by al-Maliki and allocates about

    Post by Rocky Sat 05 Nov 2016, 3:13 am

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    Maliki during the signing of the Korean aircraft contract
    Iraq fined million dollars a month for a Korean aircraft purchased by al-Maliki and allocates about 5 trillion dinars security

    Author: AB, AHF 
    Editor: AB, AHF 11/05/2016 00:21 Number of Views: 1789 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Revealed for security and defense committee in the House of Representatives, for a fine of one million dollars paid by Iraq a month the South Korean government for aircraft deal signed by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, and as confirmed Baghdad's failure to transfer these aircraft since last April, indicated that the security budget amounted to about five trillion dinars .
    The Chairman of the Commission on Security and Defense parliamentary quitting in an interview (range Press), "The South Korean government has imposed a fine on the Iraqi government up to million dollars a month as wages fill the ground for 24 aircraft (T-50IQ), signed its deal Former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki with the minister of military industries Korea three years ago, and the failure of Iraq's transfer, "noting that" the disqualification Essaouira air base south of Baghdad is complete, the resulting lack of transport aircraft to Iraq being allocated to them according to the base agreement between the parties. "
    He Zamili, that "the budget of the Ministry of Defense in the general budget for 2017 estimated at three trillion dinars, compared to half a trillion of the interior and more than half a trillion popular crowd, and 300 billion dinars for counterterrorism and 200 billion for intelligence and ideals of national security."
    The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced, on 12 December 2013, signed a contract with the Korean Ministry of Defense for the purchase of 24 aircraft (T-50IQ), he confirmed that the deal beginning to raise the performance of the defense and interior ministries in the defense of the country and the fight against " terrorism ", as pointed out that Iraq cut long way toward completion of its air force, drew the manufacturer to the possibility of equipping these aircraft missiles (Jo-Jo-air missiles - land) to begin the extradition process in April of 2016.
    This aircraft is one of the fastest training aircraft in the world, but the Iraqi Defense Ministry has not been able since the time of the transfer of the aircraft to Baghdad because of the lack of completeness and rehabilitation of Essaouira air base south of Baghdad.

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