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    US expert: any sudden drop in oil prices would be a "blow to life" in Iraq

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    US expert: any sudden drop in oil prices would be a "blow to life" in Iraq   Empty US expert: any sudden drop in oil prices would be a "blow to life" in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Wed 26 Jun 2013, 7:04 am

    US expert: any sudden drop in oil prices would be a "blow to life" in Iraq  

     Wednesday, June 26, 2013

    {Baghdad Ambassador: News}
    A US expert on Iraqi affairs that the Iraq problem real economy, not security, as long as Iraq does not care about the development of the economy and does not sufficiently encourage construction projects to attract investment ", warning that any sudden drop in oil prices would be a" blow to life in Iraq. "

    Michael Rubin said in his comment to the magazine (komentri) that "many Americans avoid Iraq because of security concerns, and certainly to the bloodshed last month had undermined confidence within and outside Iraq."

    He pointed out that "in all kinds of violence, war, insurrection, terrorism, Iraqis were steadfast, a feature that might amaze only those who formed the political opinion on Iraq without even talking with Iraqis." Robin felt it "must overcome the security problems, and perhaps the Iraqi Government the right way to fight these problems face to face rather than placate those who may seek through violence to profit can't achieve at the ballot box," he said.
    And the expert's opinion that "there is no doubt that Iraq was a wise editing decision, although the decision of the occupation wasn't. Meaning that if a decision of the occupation, it became essential to achieving the best possible result instead of losing political fights. "

    "However, for all the years of occupation, and hundreds of billions of dollars spent on security and assistance amounts and development plans, but the United States could be mentioned only two additional successes: the first update his old Iraq and reviving Iraq's oil trading." Robin concluded that "Iraq oil trade which now threatens the well-being of Iraq over the long term."

    He said that the "Iraqi Government officials admit in private sessions that each Ministry can work with ten employees. He said that despite the hopes of most young college graduates to obtain a secure and stable government job rather than get an opportunity in the private sector. "

    Rubin noted that "entrepreneurial ventures continues to be the exclamation point and obsessing when many Iraqi families," and as a result of this course, "the majority of Iraq's oil revenues goes to staff salaries, and not to the basic infrastructure."

    "Many Iraqis are satisfied with and are prepared to sit down and look at the problems of Iraq as long as they have a nice beta and satellite TV, cellular, wehatfl generator to replenish the supply of electricity, and the basis of their financial situation."

    Rubin noted that "the Iraqi Government, unlike its counterpart in Iran was able to provide amounts of salaries, and will continue to provide as long as oil prices remain high. In the Middle East had hoped that Governments that the price of $ 100 a barrel is phenomenal, "pointing out that history is filled with hope, in" what goes down, too. "

    "If oil prices suddenly dropped, as happened, for example, in the late 1990s, Iraq might pay price for failing to reform its economy and promote domestic and foreign investment projects with better."

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