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    Parliamentary Energy criticizing the "high cost" of the project refinery in Karbala and reveal a mov

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    Parliamentary Energy criticizing the "high cost" of the project refinery in Karbala and reveal a mov Empty Parliamentary Energy criticizing the "high cost" of the project refinery in Karbala and reveal a mov

    Post by Rocky Mon 14 Nov 2016, 2:38 am

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    Parliamentary Energy criticizing the "high cost" of the project refinery in Karbala and reveal a move to reduce costs

     Baghdad / term 

    Commission criticized the oil and parliamentary power, on Sunday, the "high cost" of theproject refinery in Karbala oil amounting to six billion dollars, and as revealed that theinvestor of the project Korean companies aremoving towards reducing implementation at the expense specifications instructed, threatened to "accounting officials involved with corruption, as decided the province of Babylon, theestablishment of an oil refinery and power plant solar, referring to the allocation of three thousand acres for the establishment of the refinery. 

    a member of the oil and energy Committee in the House of Representatives Ali Faisal al - Fayad, in astatement received "long", a copy of it, that "the oil and energy parliamentary surprised by the high cost of the project refinery in Karbala oil , "noting that" more than six billion dollars of high cost of the Iraqi government will assume its funding. " 
    said Fayad, that" these contracts as long provoked surprised and made us put question marks and exclamation on the signing of circumstances , "he said , adding that "Korean companies are moving towards reducing implementation cost but this is without a doubt will be at the expense of the specifications if what has been agreed with the ministry, as well as that this reduction will affect the quality of the products and may not conform to international standards." 
    Fayad said he "will work as an authority control to follow the work of a coalition of Korean companies consisting of four companies led by the company Hyundai , "and threatened to" hold all official found to beinvolved in the suspicions of corruption or attempt to obtain quotas and proportions of the implementing agencies of the project. " 
    The member of the Commission on oil parliament that "pyramid administrative composed for the project from the official figures of the Ministry of Oil, led by son of senior deputy of the ministry is the deputy head of theproject and this administration , it is worth it to complete the project within the timings set and specific, but we were surprised by remarks and oil minister about the inability to complete the project within the specified time limit and slow by the implementing agency for reasons vague and unclear. " 
    The Iraqi Oil Ministry has signed in the (February 22, 2014), a contract to build oil refinery in Karbala with acoalition of four Korean companies with a total value in excess of six billion dollars. 
    The coalition of four Korean companies, it was announced in the (February 19, 2014) won a contract for theoil refinery in Karbala, valued at 6.04 billion dollars, stressing that it will repeat the 140 thousand barrels per day, and that its implementation takes 54 months.  
    The Oil Ministry announced, in (January 26, 2013), for undertaking the process of building a refinery in Karbala way direct implementation at a cost of 4 billion dollars to meet the increases on demand, especially gasoline and gas oil in the seasons to visit the holy shrines, and showed that the period prescribed for theestablishment of the refinery is 4 years and distributed to two phases to set up simple and complex equipment. 
    For his part , decided Babil Provincial Council, the establishment of an oil refinery and power plant solar hand in Hilla , south of Kifl, while noting the allocation of three thousand acres for the establishment of the refinery.
    The Chairman of the Investment Committee of the Council of Babylon happiest Amuslimawi in an interview (long - Presse) that "there is a lot of investment opportunities spread over areas of the province, including in terms of Kifl, stressing that" we as a council voted to establish an oil refinery and power plant in the province. " 
    He added Amuslimawi that " the chance of the refinery investment outside the municipal boundaries and setaside three thousand acres for the establishment of the refinery , " pointing out that "the available where all technical and logistical capabilities to establish a refinery and a production capacity of 60,000 barrels per day."
    Amuslimawi He continued that " the Council issued yesterday a book of the Ministry of Electricity to theestablishment of a power plant running on solar energy by efficient foreign companies and jurisdiction , the Council expressed its readiness to allocate (1500 acres) in terms of Kifl being the need to land a wide capacity (500-600 MW) and is environment - friendly plant , "pointing out that "these investment opportunities will run hundreds of graduates and the unemployed and promote the economic aspects of the districts and sub -districts." 
    the Babil province , where there are 16 to spend and hand and will determine both the judiciary and hand anumber of investment projects according to what has been agreed upon between Babylon investment Commission and the investment Committee House of town Directorates and municipalities Babil province afew days ago.
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