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    Hollywood Actor Demanding That Trump Voters Be Slaughtered:


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    Hollywood Actor Demanding That Trump Voters Be Slaughtered: Empty Hollywood Actor Demanding That Trump Voters Be Slaughtered:

    Post by Lobo Mon 21 Nov 2016, 4:24 pm

    Hollywood Actor Demanding That Trump Voters Be Slaughtered: “If You Voted For Trump It’s Time For the Urn”

    On November 19, 2016 By Geri UngureanIn Uncategorized

    Hollywood Actor Demanding That Trump Voters Be Slaughtered: Michael-shannon
    Now I ask you, should we expect anything different than this?  Should we expect disappointed liberals to say “Oh, hey…’s okay. We won the last 8 years. Now it is your turn.”   Of course not!  These people are maniacal!
    According to this man, those who voted for Donald Trump should be murdered and cremated and placed in urns.
    Hollywood Actor Pushes Genocide for Trump Voters: “If You Voted for Trump, It’s Time for the Urn”
    Another tolerant liberal.
    These people are so hateful and violent.
    Hollywood actor Michael Shannon wants all Trump supporters to die. “If you’re voting for Trump, it’s time for the urn.”
    The star of the upcoming “Nocturnal Animals” says he doesn’t want to live in a country where people voted for Trump and it’s time for the old Trump voters to die. reported:
    The election is all I’ve been thinking about. How are you holding up?
    I’m on tenterhooks here. I have two young children. Basically this man is probably going to destroy the earth and civilization as we know it. It’s kind of terrifying.
    I’ve been alternating between feeling energized, stoked to fight against everything he and his supporters stand for, and utter despair, because I’m not convinced anything I do can actually effect change.
    That’s the thing: These protests are so moving, but ultimately what are they going to accomplish? I’m so glad these kids on the campuses everywhere are going ape s—, but at the end of the day the guy’s still going to be president. Maybe you need a civil war or something.
    I was going to avoid talking about this, but I suppose it’s unavoidable.
    No, it’s unavoidable. It should be talked about constantly. It should be the only thing anyone talks about.
    There’s not even a way to talk to the other side. You may want to share something on Facebook, but the algorithms only allow people to see the news they want.
    The wall isn’t between the U.S. and Mexico; the wall is between people who voted for Trump and people who didn’t. And we’ve got to do something about it. I don’t want to live in a country where people voted for Trump. I want to live in some other f—ing country. But I don’t want to run away. So we’re just going to have to bust this thing up.
    I’m not even sure how to bust things up. We have to invent a new way.
    There’s a lot of old people who need to realize they’ve had a nice life, and it’s time for them to move on. Because they’re the ones who go out and vote for these assholes. If you look at the young people, between 18 and 25, if it was up to them Hillary would have been president. No offense to the seniors out there. My mom’s a senior citizen. But if you’re voting for Trump, it’s time for the urn. – source
    We are inconvenient – just like aborted babies
    Can you see the comparison?  It makes perfect sense to them. We are not wanted so they should get rid of us. Mass genocide of all Trump voters.  This is absolutely sick and demonic.  But so is abortion.  But now we see the mindset of these people.  I truly believe that they are demon possessed – most of them, anyway.
    If Hillary would have won
    I remember saying to my husband that if she won, I would want to move to the country somewhere. I also mentioned that there may very well be a Revolution if she won.  But I NEVER spoke of killing people because they were liberals. I’ve never met a Conservative who would  speak in this manner.
    These are domestic terrorists
    Under the Obama administration, Conservative Christians were considered domestic terrorists.  This was complete and utter garbage. When is the last time you saw a Christian on a killing rampage?
    But people like this actor certainly qualify for a terrorist list.  But the mainstream media will just cheer him on, and any others who come out and speak of mass genocide of all people who voted for Donald Trump.
    Who knows?  Maybe this is the start of a new Civil War.   Instead of the the North against the South – it would be the Lawless Liberals against the Conservative Constitutionalists.
    I for one am very glad that our Conservative side is well armed, aren’t you?
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    Hollywood Actor Demanding That Trump Voters Be Slaughtered: Empty Re: Hollywood Actor Demanding That Trump Voters Be Slaughtered:

    Post by zimi31 Mon 21 Nov 2016, 4:40 pm

    Doesn't this moron realize that half of the country probably are his 'customers', or were!!! I loved the stars of the old days...they were probably on the left too but, they did what they got paid for and spared us the opportunity of finding out how stupid an offensive they were!!!   freak
    Interacting Investor
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    Hollywood Actor Demanding That Trump Voters Be Slaughtered: Empty Re: Hollywood Actor Demanding That Trump Voters Be Slaughtered:

    Post by fonz1951 Mon 21 Nov 2016, 8:52 pm

    make a deal with you there buddy; i will send you my address and you come on over and put me in an urn. i'l be waiting.

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    Hollywood Actor Demanding That Trump Voters Be Slaughtered: Empty Re: Hollywood Actor Demanding That Trump Voters Be Slaughtered:

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