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    Nassif reveal documents fourth file to the corruption of the Ministry of Defence system

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Nassif reveal documents fourth file to the corruption of the Ministry of Defence system Empty Nassif reveal documents fourth file to the corruption of the Ministry of Defence system

    Post by Rocky Wed 23 Nov 2016, 1:38 am

    [ltr]Nassif reveal documents fourth file to the corruption of the Ministry of Defence system[/ltr]

     Since 23.11.2016 at 09:31 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]Baghdad balances News[/ltr]
    [ltr]It revealed an MP for the high Nassif, Wednesday the reform front, the fourth file that proves the corruption of the system, which was backing the defense minister article Khaled al-Obeidi and the Bngadi minister to take legal action against Gen. General Ali Ahsan Mohammad Ali Inspector General for the Department of Defense from those in the Audit Court report Bektabhm No. 20,669 on 11/12/2014 to the presence of a relationship of mutual interests between the two, and as follows according to a statement received / balances News /:[/ltr]
    [ltr]1. Paragraph (e / II) of the above report indicated the presence of obvious defect in jobs and grants occupancy job titles for a number of staff and is disproportionate to the terms of reference and certification courses that had a negative impact on performance.[/ltr]
    [ltr]2. the large number of vacant grades, amounting to 208 out of 446, which is hidden these grades for the purposes of private appointments (cronyism and clientelism and bargains ...).[/ltr]
    [ltr]3. Most of those who were appointed in grades mentioned in (1) above of junior high school diploma campaign are the sons and relatives and relatives of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Defense, Lt. General Ali Ahsan Muhammad Ali and Tfrighm university study in colleges so that the grades specified for college graduates, according to their owners remain, and it was supposed Department of audit and control in the Office of the Inspector General to recommend a change in personnel, according to their entitlement and in the light of what came in the book of BSA, but Ms. forgiveness Mustafa Abbas, director of the Directorate took no action being installed present her position contrary to the law and under the guidance of the Inspector General.[/ltr]
    [ltr]4. The Lieutenant-General Ahsan on the distribution of private military wheels office contrary to the instructions and regulations, where it is handing his children and relatives of these wheels and deprived of deserved according to the controls and those big-ranking officers have been deprived of them.[/ltr]
    [ltr]5. The above report was sent by the Secretary of Defense to the Office of the Inspector General Secretariat of the book of secret numbered 51,231 at 02/12/2014 was not taking any formal action on the paragraphs contained therein and private exclusively irregularities Office of the Inspector General .anthy 29 / D 24[/ltr]
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    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]

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