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    Coalition forces: I will not vote on the popular crowd Act

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Coalition forces: I will not vote on the popular crowd Act Empty Coalition forces: I will not vote on the popular crowd Act

    Post by Rocky Sat 26 Nov 2016, 1:42 am

    [ltr]Coalition forces: I will not vote on the popular crowd Act[/ltr]

     Since 26.11.2016 at 09:06 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]Baghdad balances News
    Issued a coalition of Iraqi forces, Saturday, for clarification on the position of the popular crowd Act, declaring submit observations to include in the law and do not vote otherwise.
    The alliance said in a statement received / balances News / copy of it, that "There is no doubt that any fair continued difficult security conditions experienced by Iraq during Mainahez the three past years is essential for him and praises performance heroic and generous sacrifices made by volunteers popular crowd to defeat al Daesh terrorist despite what a young man from those battles violations and human rights abuses carried out by the weak people who use the banner of fighting terrorism to achieve political benefits and desires nothing but sectarian sick. "
    "But we believe that the strengthening of state institutions is a vital interest of all Iraqis, as well as the rejection of the phenomenon of uncontrolled arms and the need to organize under informal settings, the we went public is not to repeat the phenomenon Awakening again marked by using the fighters to fight terrorism moment of time and then to Fezhm and denial of their rights." .
    "It is here calls actually need legal treatment of the subject of the popular crowd Volunteers, including the installation of their rights and privileges, but these should be treated in the spirit of national but not limited to the category without the other and ensure everyone partnership to bear the duty of defending the homeland enforcement ninth article of the Constitution which requiring a balanced representation of the Iraqi people in the military state apparatus, and the removal of politicization them. "
    He said he "entered into a negotiating round over the past few days with its partners and brothers in the National Alliance to reach a compromise formula on the crowd the law, but we have not reached an acceptable ends, and still our requests to amend the law on the negotiating table has delivered it to the prime minister and representatives of the National Popular Alliance and Horde waiting to be introduced. without our observations that find their way to the law would be impossible for us to vote on the proposed law. "
    He called the National Alliance to "wait to put the law to a vote until reaching compromises on it and avoid resorting to impose a fait accompli" .anthy 29 / D 24

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