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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Hakim and Macgork discuss the latest political and security developments in the country

    Admin Assist
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    Hakim and Macgork discuss the latest political and security developments in the country Empty Hakim and Macgork discuss the latest political and security developments in the country

    Post by Rocky Sat 03 Dec 2016, 3:39 am

    [size=32][ltr]Hakim and Macgork discuss the latest political and security developments in the country[/ltr][/size]

    [ltr]Last updated: 3 December 2016 - 10:27

    BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq's Shi'ite Prime Alliance Ammar al - Hakim with US President Brett Macgork envoy to the overall political situation and security, and developments in the war against Faction terrorist Daesh, in addition to discussing developments in international events and Alakulaimah.ujae so during a meeting with al - Hakim , in his own office in Baghdad on Friday US envoy sides .obges according to a statement to the Office of the wise today: "national reconciliation initiative and the position of the Iraqi political parties , including" He stressed al - Hakim , " the importance of the initiative and the necessity to contain the fallout after Daesh and to achieve civil peace" .oostard head of the Shiite alliance during the meeting , another military developments in cutters operations and are coming, Nineveh and victories achieved by the Iraqi forces on the battle fronts against faction terrorist Daesh, "adding that" the new Iraq , Iraq is open to everyone and seeks to develop its relations with everyone . "He explained Hakim that" the battle to liberate the city of Mosul , a decisive battle and requires the participation of The wide range of the Iraqi people"noting that" the post - liberalization M

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Hakim and Macgork discuss the latest political and security developments in the country Empty Mutlaq and Macgork discuss the war on Daesh political settlement

    Post by Rocky Sat 03 Dec 2016, 3:44 am


    Mutlaq and Macgork discuss the war on Daesh political settlement

    [ltr][rtl]History[/rtl] of [rtl]edits:: 2016/12/3 12:14 • 65 visits readable[/rtl][/ltr]
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    [Oan- Baghdad] 
    Search secretary-general of the National Dialogue Front and the President of the Arab coalition, Saleh al-Mutlaq in his office today Brett Macgork, US President's Special Envoy to Iraq and his accompanying delegation various Iraqi and regional issues and the functioning of the international coalition operations to support Iraq in its war against terror Daesh gangs.

    The al-Mutlaq, according to a statement his office received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, "the importance that the international community continue to provide assistance and support necessary for Iraq and the displaced families and the reconstruction of liberated cities and intensify efforts to overcome the post-Daesh and work to avoid the mistakes of the past and beware of the repercussions of a return to marginalization and exclusion of partners policies. " 
    Mutlak also focused on the "societal peace and political settlement and not just statements, promises and slogans and work on the open real prospects for a comprehensive national reconciliation file." 
    For his part, the American guest expressed "his country's determination to continue to support the Iraqi people and concern for the unity and territorial integrity." 

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