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    ISIS detains 700 families in Rawa to be used as human shields


    Posts : 10738
    Join date : 2013-02-20

    ISIS detains 700 families in Rawa to be used as human shields Empty ISIS detains 700 families in Rawa to be used as human shields

    Post by jedi17 Sat 03 Dec 2016, 7:26 pm

    ISIS detains 700 families in Rawa to be used as human shields

    Anbar ( Al-Hashd al-Shaabi Command in Anbar revealed, that the Islamic State group detained 700 families in Rawa district, in western the province, in order to use them as human shields, while pointed out to the execution of dozens of youths for trying to flee toward the areas held by security forces.
    Intelligence Director of al-Somoud brigade, Captain Nazim al-Jaghifi said in a press statement, “ISIS terrorist gangs are detaining 700 families, mostly women and children, in Rawa district, to use them as human shields.”
    “The ISIS terrorists are preventing civilians from leaving the areas of Rawa district for three years now, and impelled them to grow their beards and wear special clothes, in addition to preventing cigarettes and burning registration offices,” Jaghifi added. “ISIS executed dozens of youths in the previous period for trying to flee toward the areas held by security forces in Haditha and Rutba,” Jaghifi explained.
    Noteworthy, ISIS occupied the district of Rawa early 2014, while security forces are preparing to liberate it from the terrorists’ control.

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