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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Ministerial crisis cell to take important decisions to facilitate the lending industry, agriculture

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Ministerial crisis cell to take important decisions to facilitate the lending industry, agriculture  Empty Ministerial crisis cell to take important decisions to facilitate the lending industry, agriculture

    Post by Rocky Mon 05 Dec 2016, 2:10 am

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    Ministerial crisis cell to take important decisions to facilitate the lending industry, agriculture measures

    Nur News / Baghdad 
    held a ministerial crisis cell meeting Sunday chaired by Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi.
    A statement by the Office of the Abadi received a "light News," a copy of the "al-Abadi said the beginning of the meeting that the meeting is dedicated to the study of the level of accomplishment achieved in lending for industrial and agricultural projects, housing initiative and examine the challenges and problems facing the process to address them."
    The statement added that "the cell has taken a number of important decisions to facilitate lending in the sectors of industry and agriculture, including the inclusion of agricultural and industrial investment projects, industrial cities and reviewing decisions to allocate land for investment projects, and speed up the completion of transactions without delay action."
    On the other hand, al-Abadi stressed that "measures to move payments to contractors and farmers and the completion of audits by the relevant authorities as well as the activation procedures and encourage and support investment, including in particular the work of the single window."
    Cell and it stressed the "obligation to adopt a tax identification number and the issuance of the tax and to intensify efforts to complete the establishment of Audit and Inspection of customs locations and tighten control over their performance requirements."
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