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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Austria: 59 women left country to join ISIS


    Posts : 10738
    Join date : 2013-02-20

    Austria: 59 women left country to join ISIS Empty Austria: 59 women left country to join ISIS

    Post by jedi17 Fri 09 Dec 2016, 6:09 pm

    Austria: 59 women left country to join ISIS

    Baghdad ( Out of 300 Austrians who left the country to join Islamic State (ISIS) militants in Syria and Iraq, there had been 59 women, according to interior ministry data published by Krone Zeitung newspaper.
    According to the newspaper, 13 women of those returned home, while 44 are believed to be killed in Syria. Those women carried out suicide bombings and other combat duties, with some getting married to terrorist fighters in Syria and Iraq, the paper added.
    In mid November, the Austrian interior ministry said 287 terrorism suspects were detected in the country, and revealed that 40 percent of those arrived as asylum seekers.

    Earlier this week, The European Union’s Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, Gilles de Krechove, said in a report that between 2000-2500 Europeans were fighting with ISIS in Iraq and Syria, warning that those would pose a security threat to Europe. He clarified that 15-20 percent of those were killed, 30-35 percent returned home and 50 percent are still in Syria and Iraq.

      Current date/time is Mon 16 Sep 2024, 2:27 pm