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    The heads of political blocs agree to pass important laws in the next few days

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Location : San Antonio

    The heads of political blocs agree to pass important laws in the next few days  Empty The heads of political blocs agree to pass important laws in the next few days

    Post by lonelyintexas Thu 04 Jul 2013, 8:01 am

    The heads of political blocs agree to pass important laws in the next few days

    04/07/2013 08:47:00

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    BAGHDAD / NINA / The MP, of the Kurdistan Alliance, Mohsen Saadoun confirmed that " the heads of political blocs agreed to pass important laws in the next few days," noting that" the heads of political blocs did not show an objection to any law put in their meeting with the Presidency of the Council of Representatives. "

    He said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA / "The meeting of heads of political blocs with the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, which was held yesterday, led to the agreement to pass some important and disputed laws in one basket deal and including other important laws on the agenda, according to legislative and legal mechanisms, but individually, from next Monday. "

    He noted, "We have agreed on a bill of the Federal Council to a second reading, as well as amending one paragraph in the law of the Federal Court and then present it to the House of Representatives for the purpose of reading and voting."

    He explained, "Another meeting will be held today for the heads of political blocs with the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, to resolve some of the outstanding issues in some important and disputed laws." End

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