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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 2 Empty Economic parliamentary calls for the central bank need to delete the zeros

    Post by Rocky Sat 06 Jul 2013, 6:40 am

    First topic message reminder :

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    06-07-2013 01:14 PM

    Baghdad (news) .. Demanded economic and investment commission parliamentary CBI, the need to delete the zeros from the currency, after the available floor exit of Iraq from Chapter VII.

    And MP Khalil Mahma said in a joint conference with the members of the Committee on the economy and investment MPs Abdul Hussein Abtan and Abdul Salam al-Maliki: the central bank to start a restructuring of the currency being a purely economic issue, noting that the Iraqi economy is expected Mzaah we are out of Chapter VII at the economy level.

    He added: that Iraq is not the only country that deletion of zeros from its currency Previously Turkey and Lebanon have succeeded to the stability of the economic situation sometimes deleted zeros from their currency. '

    He pointed out: that the draft delete the zeros Old and the objections of the Central Bank and the Iraqi government demanded wait while providing an appropriate time and after coming out of Chapter VII Sagttaat of all the justifications for the implementation of this project. '

    And: that the Iraqi constitution between the need to change and delete currency are required by the economic situation of the country, and for the benefit of the Iraqi people, calling on the parliament and the government to support the identity of the country's economic, expected to be budget next see an increase and prosperity after the entry of investment companies to Iraq. / End / b. X /

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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 2 Empty Economic demands parliamentary Central Bank "speed up" the process of deletion of zeros

    Post by lonelyintexas Sat 06 Jul 2013, 8:48 pm

    Economic demands parliamentary Central Bank "speed up" the process of deletion of zeros


    Baghdad / Press-term

    Asked the Economic Committee in the House of Representatives, yesterday, the central bank to "speed up" the process of deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency in order to maintain them, and confirmed that it is not in the interest of Iraq, the survival of its currency with so much and irregularly, as pointed out that the deletion process will increase the value of the dinar Iraqi and reduce unemployment and poverty.

    The decision of the Economic Commission Mahma Khalil during a press conference held by the Committee parliament building, and attended (Long Press), said that the Committee "demanded the CBI to speed up the process of deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, especially after the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII and to preserve the Iraqi currency," noting that "the Iraqi government demanded earlier to slow down the process of deletion of zeros did not reject the project."

    Khalil added that it "is not in the interest of Iraq to be its currency are so irregular."

    For his part, member of the Committee MP Abdul Salam al-Maliki, said that "after the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII expect soon to head the government for approval on the process of deletion of zeros from the currency," he said, calling on the government to "take urgent steps in this direction."

    Maliki said that "the Commission will conduct economic correspondences with the competent authorities on this matter," noting that "the process of deleting the zeros increase the value of the Iraqi dinar and will be reflected positively on the issue of reducing the rate of unemployment and poverty."

    The CBI said, in (25 April 2013), that there is no intention at this time to restructure the currency and deleting three zeros of them, denying reports that in this regard.

    It is noteworthy that some economists believe that Iraq is not ready at the present time to delete the zeros from the dinar, pointing out that the deletion needs to security and political stability as well as economic stability. The CBI confirmed, (July 3 2013) that Iraq is "in control of the funds and treasury of gold" in international banks, one of the acting out, denying "the existence of frozen funds outside the control of the Iraqi administration," While revealed that the reserve bank amounted to (76) billion dollars in the month of May, counting out of Chapter VII that "will allow Iraq to act more freedom to attract foreign investment."

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    Here's a really great article.  Just what we have been talking about in chat.  Bring it on.
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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 2 Empty Re: ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

    Post by zimi31 Sat 06 Jul 2013, 9:17 pm

    Excellent article LIT...Thank You and pleasant dreams!!! :D 
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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 2 Empty Re: ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

    Post by Bigben Sat 06 Jul 2013, 10:07 pm

    nice bring it so what processes are the hold up now!!
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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 2 Empty Re: ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

    Post by mochasmom Sun 07 Jul 2013, 8:04 am

    Maybe next Sunday.  :)
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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 2 Empty Re: ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

    Post by zimi31 Sun 07 Jul 2013, 8:49 am

    Isn't it still possible for later today...:bball: 
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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 2 Empty House of Representatives calls for the central bank officially delete the zeros from the Iraqi curre

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 Jul 2013, 9:34 am

    House of Representatives calls for the central bank officially delete the zeros from the Iraqi currency

    SATURDAY, JULY 6, 2013 14:03

    Committee demanded parliamentary economy and investment, on Saturday, the CBI need to delete the zeros from the currency, indicating that this ground for this action are available exit of Iraq from Chapter VII.

    A member of the Committee on the economy and investment Mahma Khalil told a news conference attended by the Committee “Twilight News”, “on the central bank to start a restructuring of the currency being a purely economic issue, and that the Iraqi economy is expected to benefit from the advantages we are out of Chapter VII.”

    He added that “Iraq is not the only country that deletion of zeros from its currency, Previously Turkey and Lebanon have succeeded to the stability of the economic situation when he slashed zeros from their currencies.”

    Khalil pointed out that “the draft delete the zeros Old, and demanded by the central bank, but the Iraqi government demanded to wait until the time-saving manner, and after coming out of Chapter VII fell all the justifications for the implementation of this project.”

    He said the “Iraqi constitution between the need to change and delete the zeros from the currency as required by the economic situation of the country, and for the benefit of the Iraqi people.”

    For his part, criticized the committee member MP Abdul Hussein Abtan “survival of the zeros of the Iraqi currency. “

    He explained, “is not reasonable to have the Iraqi Central Bank reserves and $ 76 billion so far to deal thousands.”

    The CBI said, earlier, that the year 2013 will see the deletion of zeros and the currency exchange, and pointed out that the current currency formed a cluster of large cash estimated at 30 trillion dinars.

    He pointed out that the central bank strategy of deleting three zeros and the currency exchange will be at the beginning of a new year and a new budget of the Iraqi state, and predicted that the currency is altered in the new fiscal year for 2013.

    Economists see specialists that changing the Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi and his deputy, the appearance of Mohammed Saleh and a number of bank officials and bring them to justice on charges of mismanagement and corruption impact negatively on the project to change the currency and raise zeros.

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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 2 Empty Re: ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

    Post by mochasmom Sun 07 Jul 2013, 9:37 am

    Yes, do it!!!
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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 2 Empty Re: ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 Jul 2013, 9:38 am

    Iraq Economic Commission demands CBI to Delete Zeros; Points to Chapter VII as Rationale

    Demanded economic and investment commission parliamentary CBI, the need to delete the zeros from the currency after the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII.

    And MP Khalil Mahma said in a joint conference with members of the economic and investment commission he was “on the central bank to start a restructuring currency being a purely economic issue.”

    He added that “Iraq is not the only country that deletion of zeros from its currency Previously Turkey and Lebanon has succeeded the stability of the economic situation.”

    He said the “Constitution between the need to change the currency and delete as required by the economic situation for people Btmnfh”.

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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 2 Empty Re: ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

    Post by BlackWulf Sun 07 Jul 2013, 9:45 am is really getting hard to stay grounded.  Good find Rock!
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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 2 Empty Re: ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

    Post by day dreamer Sun 07 Jul 2013, 10:44 am

    wow what awesome articles just seeing this now been @ state baseball games this weekend with grandson......
    well this Thursday 11th will  be 2 weeks since they were released from chapter 7 so I look forward to next Sunday

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