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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Wayne Irby
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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 6 Empty Economic parliamentary calls for the central bank need to delete the zeros

    Post by Rocky Sat 06 Jul 2013, 6:40 am

    First topic message reminder :

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    06-07-2013 01:14 PM

    Baghdad (news) .. Demanded economic and investment commission parliamentary CBI, the need to delete the zeros from the currency, after the available floor exit of Iraq from Chapter VII.

    And MP Khalil Mahma said in a joint conference with the members of the Committee on the economy and investment MPs Abdul Hussein Abtan and Abdul Salam al-Maliki: the central bank to start a restructuring of the currency being a purely economic issue, noting that the Iraqi economy is expected Mzaah we are out of Chapter VII at the economy level.

    He added: that Iraq is not the only country that deletion of zeros from its currency Previously Turkey and Lebanon have succeeded to the stability of the economic situation sometimes deleted zeros from their currency. '

    He pointed out: that the draft delete the zeros Old and the objections of the Central Bank and the Iraqi government demanded wait while providing an appropriate time and after coming out of Chapter VII Sagttaat of all the justifications for the implementation of this project. '

    And: that the Iraqi constitution between the need to change and delete currency are required by the economic situation of the country, and for the benefit of the Iraqi people, calling on the parliament and the government to support the identity of the country's economic, expected to be budget next see an increase and prosperity after the entry of investment companies to Iraq. / End / b. X /

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    Posts : 1317
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    Location : Mt. Pleasant, TX

    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 6 Empty Re: ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

    Post by csd9013 Tue 09 Jul 2013, 1:36 pm

    Neno better be careful! He will find a iron skillet up beside his head. ;)
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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 6 Empty Re: ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

    Post by zimi31 Tue 09 Jul 2013, 2:40 pm

    csd9013 wrote:Neno better be careful! He will find a iron skillet up beside his head. ;)


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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 6 Empty Re: ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

    Post by Neno Thu 11 Jul 2013, 12:25 pm

    csd9013 wrote:Neno better be careful! He will find a iron skillet up beside his head. ;)
    lol, what did I say wrong... lol!
    Interacting Investor
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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 6 Empty Re: ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

    Post by weslin3 Thu 11 Jul 2013, 12:54 pm

    Ok. Now I catch it..... Duh! Remember I was a blonde....Kinda slow... Yes better watch it...

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    ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom - Page 6 Empty Re: ECLAC: delete zeros from the currency and restructuring is necessary to support the country's econom

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