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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Increase the capital of Ashur International Bank to 210 billion dinars

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Increase the capital of Ashur International Bank to 210 billion dinars Empty Increase the capital of Ashur International Bank to 210 billion dinars

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 Jul 2013, 4:31 am


    Ashur International Bank decided to increase its capital to 210 billion dinars during the meeting of the general body of the Bank

    On Saturday, attended by (Justice) and Mr. meek Handal, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank in his speech that the Ashur took part with a Bank of Baghdad and guidance to reduce the value of the dollar after the recent rise of the dollar by selling at a discount to citizens through the branches of private banks that Ashur International Bank saw further growth in 2012 where the rate of return on capital shareholders 10% completion due to the success in achieving overall growth in all main business The Bank said during the past year, we managed to increase the Bank's capital to become 150 billion dinars as instructed by the Central Bank, adding that it would be a priority for the Bank strengthen its branches and regeneration and completion of the projects and to diversify sources of revenue from fees for banking services, has enhanced its activity in the field of MasterCard cards issued mobile bankenk and said that investment banking has seen An increased demand by customers, and enjoys a high level of appreciation of alternative investment is distinct from traditional commercial banking, which will attract more foreigners, motivate them to characterize the investment banking system committed to transparency and credibility. Investment banking is currently one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world, comprising approximately 200 financial institution with assets worth around 200 billion dollars. The Ashur International Bank for investment in this sector, and is always committed to authentic roots as an institution focused on customers, with outstanding personal service and understanding of customer needs and requirements, which the Bank bases its relations. And combine heritage and history with a commitment to flexibility and innovation and modernisation, with the Bank to provide comprehensive solutions to all the financial requirements of any kind. Traders can, including newcomers who are looking for a leading bank in all respects, take advantage of our Internet banking "investment" to meet all financial requirements, and can save a lot of time and money through Internet banking transactions done quickly and efficiently and will discover why discriminate Ashur International Bank for investment.

    Board discussed the report of the Board of Directors for the financial year ended and the report of the Audit Committee for the year 2012 and the auditor's report and federal accounts was also elected a new Board of Directors of the Bank and it is noteworthy that the Ashur International Bank was established in April 2005 as the first full-service investment bank in the area of investment banking products and services, it establishes the standards in this area, with increased demand for investment banking products and services in the region and the world.

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