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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Economist: There is no fear of foreign loans, because Iraq has large oil reserves

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    Economist: There is no fear of foreign loans, because Iraq has large oil reserves Empty Economist: There is no fear of foreign loans, because Iraq has large oil reserves

    Post by Rocky Sun 25 Dec 2016, 3:24 am

    [size=30]Economist: There is no fear of foreign loans, because Iraq has large oil reserves[/size]
    25/12/2016 11:04 | Number of Views: 58
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    Direction Press / special
    Said economic expert on behalf of Jamil Antoine, said on Sunday that Iraq is in trouble, but the owner does not need to borrow to pay to borrow, including the conduct of public things and fill the budget deficit.
    Antoine In an interview with "direction," said there is no fear of foreign loans, because Iraq has large oil reserves. He pointed out that the moral dimensions of the loan more than the physical because he restores the confidence of the society in Iraq and Iraq Balnevsh.
    Antoine said that high oil prices Satqll of the burden on the Iraqi economy and achieve a great record up to 13 billion dollars if the price per barrel rose extra ten dollars.
    He said economic expert, said the World Bank was built on the future of Iraq and restored confidence in Iraq after being granted the loan, which encourages investment companies as well.
    It is said that the World Bank announced its approval of the new loan to Iraq worth 1.485 billion dollars to help it bear the cost of the war against "Daesh" terrorist outlawed in Russia and a number of countries.
    The World Bank said in a statement that the new loan aims to support the Iraqi government's efforts to rationalize spending and to improve energy efficiency and enhance corporate governance in the SOEs.

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