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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Elimination seen in the files of the Russian arms deal corruption and the issue of the Central Bank

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Elimination seen in the files of the Russian arms deal corruption and the issue of the Central Bank Empty Elimination seen in the files of the Russian arms deal corruption and the issue of the Central Bank

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Jul 2013, 4:18 am

    Elimination seen in the files of the Russian arms deal corruption and the issue of the Central Bank

    07:54:08 / 07/2013

    Khandan - waiting for the Iraqi Parliamentary Integrity Committee Iraqi judiciary's reply on a group of files, some of the issues of financial and administrative corruption and waste of public money, most notably the Russian arms deal and the issue of the central bank, which was referred to the judiciary three months ago to decide judicially.

    A member of the Integrity Committee in the House of Representatives MP Talal Zobaie that "the Tripartite Commission, which includes representatives of the Committee on Parliamentary Integrity and Integrity Commission and the Supreme Judicial Council, completed all investigations administrative, technical and legal for some of the files of corruption task that drained profiteers and referred to the Iraqi judiciary to decide, according to documents Blog and the results of the investigation that implicated reveal those suspicious transactions, including the issue of Russian arms deal and file of the Central Bank. "

    Zobaie added to the newspaper Al-Hayat, "files transmitted three months ago and I expect to see a decisive judicial response weeks about those files and those involved in it."

    He continued that "the committee is working on the study and follow-up all files of corruption, both those related to the involvement of some of the young staff in terms of forging documents supporting or school to get a job, right down to the senior officials involved issues of financial and administrative corruption, after coordination with the Integrity Commission to unify the work and access to the results of real fast. "

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