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    Hakim initiative collide as the "Sunni details" .. and the call is working on an alternative project

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    Hakim initiative collide as the "Sunni details" .. and the call is working on an alternative project Empty Hakim initiative collide as the "Sunni details" .. and the call is working on an alternative project

    Post by Rocky Thu 29 Dec 2016, 1:35 am

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    Hakim initiative collide as the "Sunni details" .. and the call is working on an alternative project

     Baghdad / Wael blessing 

    Chairman of the National Alliance , Ammar al - Hakim and the State of Law coalition is moving towards the order of conditions beyond Daesh but two parallel tracks have Aaltkien in the end. 
    CAST - led Dawa Party, according to its leaders, is developing a project for "community reconciliation" will be a substitute for a "political settlement." 

    The Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi has hinted on more than one occasion, to the alternative project. And waits for a coalition of state law to change most of the current Sunni leaders in the upcoming parliamentary elections, to begin negotiations and make "concessions" to the figures believed it would be more in line with the positions of the current layer. In parallel , the wise still roams the halls of Borkth between Sunni political powers and regional countries , without clear results of these visits. But among the president of the National Alliance confirms its success in convincing everyone, pointing to the selection of Emancipation Day Mosul to announce " the settlement" officially. 
    And look Sunni forces have managed to leave their differences, especially after the visit of the leaders to Jordan. The back of the letter Sunni leaders in tune to a great extent during the last meeting they held with the National Alliance delegation in the house of parliament speaker Salim al - Jubouri. 
    The condition of Union forces, during the meeting, al - Hakim on the implementation of some "proactive measures" before agreeing to the settlement. And demanding the Sunni parties to expand dark guarantors "settlement", to include Security Council. 
    But a coalition of state law confirms that al - Hakim is unable to give "guarantees" on its own, especially as the leader of the Sadrist movement may confuse the wise table, when he announced his reservation on the draft settlement. 
    He repeated the chest, in his meeting with the Prime Minister, his refusal to "come to terms with the killers", repeating his previous positions on "settlement" In response to questions from some of his followers. 
    He acknowledged the National Alliance settlement project two months ago, it was presented to the leadership and political alliance, as well as a General Authority. The United Nations has vowed to protect the agreement , " the political - community", and to punish any internal or external party is trying to block the announcement. And it adopts a "compromise" on the earlier document of civil peace launched by the head of the Supreme Council for the past year. 

    Hakim alone 
    and likely leader of the Dawa Party not wise initiative because of opposition from both the Shiite parties of the project. 
    The leader's (range), on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information, said that "al - Hakim is the only one who defends the settlement project", he saw the last motives "electoral and attempts to lead the Shiites." 
    Revealed leader of the Dawa project is a coalition of state law , " the party away from the settlement includes a reconciliation of community for post Daesh." 
    Prime Minister al - Abadi has confirmed, during the celebration of the founding of the Dawa Party, two weeks ago, that "community reconciliation will be launched after the liberation of Mosul directly." He returned Abadi, a few days before, to repeat his position that " the best response is to organize Daesh community reconciliation." It confirms leader and MP for the rule of law that the bloc wait for the parliament elections in 2018, to announce the project, attributing it to " the desire of the coalition partnership with the new Sunni faces." It is expected that the MP "Change the upcoming election 60% of the current Sunni figures, others who believe in the political process and tribal fighters among the crowd." 
    He says the leadership of the Dawa Party , "the only time we will be ready to compromise , " stressing that " the rule of law does not need today or tomorrow to Sunni forces outside Iraq does not believe changes in 2003". 
    He repeated deputies of the Dawa Party , refusing to include a political settlement and former Finance Minister Rafie al - Issawi, and Khamis dagger, and the former governor of Nineveh province Liberation of Iraq. 

    Year after meeting Oman 
    In the same context, MP Salah al - Jubouri, a member of the Federation of Iraqi forces, confirms that his bloc agreed on a settlement but they need time to complete writing her paper. 
    Jubouri said in an interview (range) yesterday, he said that " the Union of Forces request from the National Alliance, in the last meeting of the home of the speaker of parliament, that gives him more time to complete the writing paper represents the component of the State Administration of opinion after Daesh stage", but did not specify a deadline to provide Sunni paper. 
    He explained Forces Union member , said , " The major features of the Sunni paper will include a shift of power to the civil state, keeping balance, also require involvement of the Security Council and the European Union as well as UNAMI , as guarantors of the implementation of the settlement." 
    Complains Sunni forces of the non - fulfillment of the implementation of agreements concluded to take account of the balance in the political process and , most recently , "national paper," under which the government Abadi end of 2014. 
    Those doubts prompted Sunni forces to al - Hakim claim, during the last meeting, the messages of reassurance before starting a political settlement project. 
    These include the claim, according to the MP Salah al - Jubouri, "re - displaced to areas such as the rock cliff, and Yathrib, and Amerli and others, in addition to uncover the fate of a number of abductees and prisoners," and other issues , al - Jubouri said he will be announced at a later date. 
    The Union forces member , said head of the National Alliance promised to transfer those requests to the government, because they are "operational procedures". 
    But leaders of the state law said (range) that "wise, he can not give promises to any third party without the consent of all parties to the coalition." 
    It was Osama Najafi, Vice President of the Republic, and Saleh al - Mutlaq, head of the Arab coalition, the first to talk about these conditions, announced by the Union forces, prior to the recent visit to the Jordanian capital of Amman and met the Jordanian monarch. 

    Fear of the details 
    , he sees Mohammed Mayahi, a leader of the Supreme Islamic Council, the most important of the outcome of the meeting is the home of al - Jubouri , "everyone recognize the need for a political settlement to the post - Daesh." 
    He Mayahi, told the (range), " The National Alliance delegation led by Hakim contributed to melt ice and remove the concerns that have been raised after the adoption of the Law of the popular crowd." 
    He said the leadership of the Supreme Council that " the Union of Forces wants to prepare a paper represents his vision for Iraq after Daesh stage , " stressing that " the views of the parties is intersecting in outline, but the differences lie in some detail." 
    Mayahi pointed out that "there are five stages of the implementation of the settlement , " and urged coalition forces by saying "leave the details now, to be implemented in the next stages, but are moving today to sign a settlement." 
    And it will include the stages of implementation of the settlement, several laws legislation, issuing decisions, and government regulation. And confirms the leadership of the Supreme Council that " the requirements of the Sunni forces, at the last meeting, you need to be approved by the government, and they have to realize that these demands executive, can not be fully achieved." 
    Mayahi reveals that the "paper of the settlement will be announced on the first day or a week after the liberation of Mosul fully Daesh , " attributing it to the "basis for a settlement is to arrange the situation in the country after the demise of the terrorist organizations."
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