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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Foreign Affairs: Turkey realized the need to reach a common vision with Iraq to save

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     Parliamentary Foreign Affairs: Turkey realized the need to reach a common vision with Iraq to save  Empty Parliamentary Foreign Affairs: Turkey realized the need to reach a common vision with Iraq to save

    Post by Rocky Sun 01 Jan 2017, 3:40 am

    Parliamentary Foreign Affairs: Turkey realized the need to reach a common vision with Iraq to save its security

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    He said the Foreign Relations Committee member of the parliamentary Chuird Hassan, on Saturday, that 'Turkey realized after the recent security incidents that touched by the need to reach a common vision with Iraq to save its own security. " 

    He Chuird that 'neighboring Turkey realized after terror struck the cities that terrorist Daesh gangs do not work only to Iraq but on the whole region', pointing out that ' the challenge of terrorism facing all countries in the region which are found among political ties, economic and security'. 

    He pointed out that 'Turkey felt the need to develop relations with Iraq', stressing that 'Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan , head of the ministry in touch with Haider Abadi , a message of positive relations the two countries and that Stouselhma to the security and political and economic integration'. 

    Among Chuird that 'the most important agreements that concern the two countries to withdraw Turkish troops from Iraqi territory and the signing of the Treaty of waters between the two countries', adding that' the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Iraqi territory would be a priority to strengthen relations between the two countries. " 

    The Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi received Friday evening phone call from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish President congratulated by contacting the victories achieved by our heroine in the fight against Daesh terrorist gangs in Mosul operations, expressing 'Turkey 's support for Iraq and its emphasis on the sovereignty and territorial integrity and that Turkey put all its capabilities with Iraq in its war against this group that are offensive to Islam religion '.

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