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    Erdogan has spoken to al-Abadi .. and Holland to visit troops in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Erdogan has spoken to al-Abadi .. and Holland to visit troops in Iraq Empty Erdogan has spoken to al-Abadi .. and Holland to visit troops in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Mon 02 Jan 2017, 1:28 am

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    Erdogan has spoken to al-Abadi .. and Holland to visit troops in Iraq

     Baghdad / term 

    French President Francois Hollande said on Sunday, he will visit Iraq on Monday (today) to greet the troops participating in the military alliance led by the United States against al Daesh. 
    Holland said, in a speech to the French people on the occasion of New Year 's televised, "We have not finished yet to face the dilemma of terrorism. We have to keep fighting," he added , "This is the reason for our military operations abroad in Mali, Syria and Iraq. I will go to Iraq to salute our troops." 
    The French president called for in his speech addressed to the French to "fight terrorism at home also to thwart all attacks, revealing dangerous people, and to guard against terrorist extremism." "But one thing is certain exactly that democracy will win in the struggle with this brutality." 
    " We also understand the concern that is still Intabkm in the face of this terrorist threat is not coming down, as happened recently in Berlin , " where he killed 12 people led by a truck run over someone said he Daesh organize one of its elements. 
    He concluded Holland , "Now that you can be proud of . The terrorists wanted to create division and discord among you, you wanted Akhavtkm. But you Atpettm you were more powerful and Ptdamancm Ouhdtkm did not give in to disagreements sterile." In the context of Iraq 's relations with the world, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed his country 's keenness on the unity of Iraq and the development of its potential for Iraq to fight al Daesh. This came in a telephone conversation Erdogan Balebadi, on Friday evening, according to a statement of the Prime Minister 's Office. 
    He congratulated the Turkish president, according to the statement, the victories achieved by our heroine in the fight against Daesh terrorist gangs in Mosul operations, expressing "Turkey 's support for Iraq and its emphasis on the sovereignty and territorial integrity and the development of Turkey each potential with Iraq in its war against this group that are offensive to Islam religion." 
    He continued , Erdogan said , "Turkey is looking to insist Iraq is very close in Mosul will be a message for those who want to target the brotherly relations between the two countries , " stressing " the importance of continuing the fight against terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria through solidarity and cooperation, because the unity and stability of the neighboring countries a top priority for us." 
    For his part, al - Abadi on " the importance of Iraqi sovereignty , and remove the causes of tension and overtaking as soon as possible and solve the ways leading to focus efforts on fighting terrorism and constructive cooperation in various levels, according to relations of brotherhood and good neighborliness , mutual respect for sovereignty." 
    The prime minister pointed to " the importance of the region 's peoples cooperation against terrorism that wants to destroy the region , " noting that " the Iraqi constitution does not allow the use of Iraqi territory by any party to the abuse of neighboring countries." 
    He continued Abadi "We are working to provide security and prosperity for all components of the Iraqi people and that all areas under the control of the national Iraqi security forces are." 
    He said the prime minister " has been through contact with the review of Iraqi efforts to edit and prepare for the reconstruction phase and display the Turkish president his country 's desire Avenue reconstruction, investment and joint venture efforts."
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