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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Turkey sends a message to Iraq before visiting Yıldırım

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 271595
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Turkey sends a message to Iraq before visiting Yıldırım Empty Turkey sends a message to Iraq before visiting Yıldırım

    Post by Rocky Fri 06 Jan 2017, 3:46 am

    Turkey sends a message to Iraq before visiting Yıldırım[/size]
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     17 Hours Ago

    Shafaq News / The spokesman of the Turkish Presidency on behalf of Ibrahim Qaln, that his country will not allow the transformation of Sinjar in northern Iraq to other Kandil Mountains ( a major stronghold of the Organization of Kurdistan Workers' My Ka Ka "on the Iraqi - Iranian border), pointing out that the organization is working on installing a foothold in Sinjar. 
    Qaln said in an interview with Channel 24 TV Turkish television on Thursday, said that the militia of the Kurdistan Workers ' trying to exploit the war "Daesh" and invoked the protection of the Yazidis to get a foothold in Sinjar, stressing that the Iraqi authorities not to allow this to happen. 
    Qaln He pointed out that the Turkish bin Prime Minister Yildirim being a visit to Iraq on Saturday and Sunday, including Baghdad and Erbil, during which he discussed many topics , including bilateral relations between the two countries, setting camp Ba'shiqah, and the fight against terrorism and the Organization of the Kurdistan Workers ' , and after the Mosul operation, reconstruction and Tall Afar, Sinjar and other places. 
    Commenting on the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi told, the first on Tuesday that his government "rejects Iraqi land use to launch attacks against Turkey and neighboring countries," Qaln said he was an important statement , however , Turkey is waiting for Baghdad and Erbil take clearer and more precise procedures, and lead to results. 
    Asked about the possibility that the Turkish military action in Iraq in coordination with Iraqi officials Qaln said " the situation in Syria and Iraq , different in Iraq, despite all the problems , there is a central area of the federal government, and we are in close contact with them. 
    We continue to follow the security situation there carefully building on the outcome of consultations with Iraqi officials. the air Garatna against my Ka Ka in the Kandil Mountains and its environs continuing. "


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