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    Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide Empty Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide

    Post by Lobo Mon 13 Feb 2017, 2:07 pm

    (video)Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide Real reason for Trumps Temporary travel ban:ISIS have created an entire fake passport ‘industry’ using documents stolen in Iraq, Libya and Syria, warn French officials:
    Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide Donald-imigrtion

    (video)Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide Real reason for Trumps Temporary travel ban:ISIS have created an entire fake passport ‘industry’ using documents stolen in Iraq, Libya and Syria, warn French officials:

    on February 12, 2017
    Posted In: america, Asia, Donald Trump, DONALD TRUMP, Europe, immigration, Islam, Islamic militancy, usa
    This is a cultural war between the Muslim Third world Immigration verses the West.
    Muslim countries are exporting the most violent people on earth and we in the West accept them in the name of love.
    Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide Quote-jihad-is-holy-struggle-a-legitimate-tenet-of-islam-meaning-to-purify-oneself-or-one-john-o-brennan-3-54-28
    last year  millions of Muslim Immigrants were allowed to enter Europe at the same time it was found out ISIS have created an entire fake passport ‘industry’ using documents stolen in Iraq, Libya and Syria, warn French officials .
    This report was issued by the daily Mail last January 2016 at the  time no one wanted to talk about this  except a certain clever man running to be president of the United states.
    Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide 151229155850-muslim-trump-quote-super-169French officials say ISIS has managed to set up ‘industry of fake passports’
    France now wants a task force to travel to Greece as part of a clamp down
    At least two ISIS terrorists involved in Paris attack travelled to France using fake Syrian passports 
    has formed an entire ‘industry’ out of making fake passports stolen in Iraq, Syria and Libya, officials in France have warned.
    The French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve made the claim as he argued for the creation of a special task force to travel to Greece to help clamp down on stolen or fake passports.
    At least two of the ISIS extremists who launched a murderous attack in Paris in November used established migrant routes through Europe pretending to be refugees and using Syrian passports.
    Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide 30951FDC00000578-0-image-a-3_1453797006077
    ISIS has formed an entire ‘industry’ out of making fake passports seized from Iraq, Syria and Libya, according to officials in France (file picture)
    Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide 0FB05B5F00000514-0-image-a-11_1453799096786
    The French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve (pictured) made the claim as he argued for the creation of a special task force to travel to Greece to help clamp down on stolen or fake passports
    According to the Wall Street Journal, Cazeneuve told reporters: ‘Daesh has managed to seize passports in Iraq, Syria and Libya and to set up a true industry of fake passports.’Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide Islam-a6-web
    Last month, US authorities revealed their concerns that ISIS may have obtained a passport printing machine in an attempt to infiltrate the West through using false documents.Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide 14-0912-Religion-of-Peace-500
    It emerged after a 17-page Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) intelligence report was publishing, warning of the use of false passports, according to ABC News.
    Syrian papers being sold to ISIS bought by MailOnline reporter
    ‘Since more than 17 months [have] passed since Raqqa and Deir ez-Zour fell to ISIS, it is possible that individuals from Syria with passports ‘issued’ in these ISIS controlled cities or who had passport blanks, may have traveled to the U.S,’ claimed the report.Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide 635744974622983773-635744950183646763-Trump-immigration-werent-for-me
    The report was based on a source of ‘moderate confidence’, suggesting that ISIS’s printing of passports is in no way confirmed.
    Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide 2F46581900000578-3355673-image-a-72_1449829882341
    Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide 2F46582A00000578-3355673-image-a-71_1449829880564
    The false passport in the name of Ahmad al-Mohammed (left) was found at the Stade de France and was registered in the Greek island of Leros. Fellow ISIS suicide bomber Bilal Hadfi (right) is also thought to have illegally returned to Europe to carry out the deadly attacksImmigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide T217
    Questions remain over why ISIS would need to spent time painstakingly falsifying documents when they have a large horde of foreign fighters available.
    At least two men involved in the deadly Paris attacks are suspected to have used false Syrian passports to illegally enter Europe.
    The forged documents were found at the scene of one of the suicide bomb attacks at the Stade de France, further fueling speculation that ISIS may have a ready source of blank passports.
    Some analysts at the time of the attacks suggested that the discovery of the Syrian passports was in no way conclusive that the jihadis had used them to enter Europe.
    The documents may have been deliberately planted to stir up hatred and distrust towards migrants, particularly refugees fleeing the war in Syria.
    The ease in which it is possible for someone to get a Syrian passport was revealed by MailOnline reporter Nick Fagge, who bought an identical false Syrian passport as part of an investigation into the illegal printing of Syrian identity documents.
    At the time of obtaining the false documents in September, MailOnline was warned by a forger that ISIS jihadis were already using fake passports to travel outside of Syria and Iraq.
    A German police analysis of the Syrian passport bought by MailOnline confirmed that the book was genuine, allowing the forger to easily fill in the details on the blank pages.
     Rapists theives murderers and I imagine some are good people

    Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide

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