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    Abadi Sulaimaniyah: We will not hesitate to strike Daesh outside Iraq

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    Abadi Sulaimaniyah: We will not hesitate to strike Daesh outside Iraq Empty Abadi Sulaimaniyah: We will not hesitate to strike Daesh outside Iraq

    Post by Rocky Thu 09 Mar 2017, 1:56 am

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    Abadi Sulaimaniyah: We will not hesitate to strike Daesh outside Iraq

     Baghdad / term 

    He stressed Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, yesterday, that the Iraqis are today closer than ever to unite, noting We are trying to transform the conflicting areas of agreed areas and their sons are governed. 
    This came in a speech at the crossroads of the fifth city of Sulaimaniya to discuss the post - Daesh. The prime minister arrived in the Kurdistan region on Tuesday and met with the region 's president , Massoud Barzani, then visited President Jalal Talabani at his residence in Sulaimaniyah. 
    Ebadi said, during the forum , according to a statement his office briefed him (range), " The Iraqis are fighting in Mosul of all stripes although there matchup to rush to the front lines in the battle , " noting that " the battle today is a battle of destiny and the existential and Daesh not Tsarana on the ground or power but we want to change our civilization and our existence. " 
    The Prime Minister emphasized that "Iraqis today are closer than ever to autism, though the unified will of the country 's most powerful sons of the country imposed by force of autism," adding , "We are trying to transform the conflicting areas of agreed areas and their sons are governed." 
    Abadi said that "Daesh does not want a dignified life for the citizens and claiming falsely falsely that they are defending the Sunnis , but the fact of the matter killed Sunnis more than any group in Iraq , " calling on political forces to "further unite and take into account our audience and our citizens." 
    The Prime Minister emphasized that " the organization Daesh destroyed infrastructure big thing and a lot , " noting that "the Ministry of Planning and relevant statistics indicated that the cost of the destruction of this infrastructure up to last summer 's $ 35 billion , " explaining that "this cost does not include the destruction and social relations between human society groups of the wounded and the martyrs and displaced persons and the displaced. " 
    Abadi He continued , "With all due respect for the sovereignty of other countries, we will not hesitate to strike terror sites in neighboring countries threaten inside Iraq , " calling on countries in the region to "further cooperation to eradicate terrorism." " I got the approval of the Syrian government to strike terror sites in the Syrian Abu Kamal, because these terrorist websites are enabling the car bombs that you send to Baghdad and other Iraqi cities." 
    Iraqi air force carried out the February 24 air strikes against al Daesh sites in Syria, responsible for the deadliest recent attacks in Baghdad bombings. These sites are located very close to the Iraqi border , a distance within the basin of the Euphrates , which correspond to the Iraqi city based. It was the first time that an Iraqi aircraft launched strikes outside 
    its borders. 
    The Abadi "We will continue to fight terrorism in this context, but I say we want to stand up for Iraq, for the citizens and protect them and we want to cooperate with all the countries of the region." 
    Being the prime minister, a visit to the Kurdistan region, the second day in a row, and was wearing a uniform military term during a meeting with President of Kurdistan , Massoud Barzani in Irbil, and general secretary of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan ( PUK ) of Jalal Talabani in Sulaimaniyah. He had visited Mosul and Operations Command airport before flying to Erbil. Abadi and held separate meetings with the leaders of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan ( PUK ) , and leaders of the MDC 
    In a separate context, he announced the White House, US President Donald Trump, will meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi before the end of this month, to discuss joint offensive against al Daesh in Mosul, Iraq's second city, according to Agence France Presse reported. 
    A spokesman for the US administration Sean Spicer said German Chancellor Angela Merkel will visit Washington next week, next week , the president will welcome the prime minister of 
    The strained relations between Baghdad and Washington in late January 2017 after the signing of Trump 's decision prohibits the entry of the citizens of seven Muslim countries including Iraq US soil. 
    But the US president has taken a new decision Monday excludes this time the Iraqis from the ban on entry to the United States. 
    Iraq and welcomed it, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Jamal Ahmad said the ministry "expresses its deep satisfaction with the executive decision of the US President , Donald Trump , which included an exception Iraqis from traveling to the United States ban." 
    He added that this decision is " an important step in the right direction which reinforces the strategic alliance between Baghdad and Washington in many areas at the forefront of the fight against terrorism."
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