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    Australia rejects 500 Iraqi and Syrian refugees for security reasons

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Australia rejects 500 Iraqi and Syrian refugees for security reasons Empty Australia rejects 500 Iraqi and Syrian refugees for security reasons

    Post by Rocky Thu 23 Mar 2017, 4:37 am

    Australia rejects 500 Iraqi and Syrian refugees for security reasons

    Posted on March 23, 2017 by Editorial Staff in General

    Australian police at Hobart airport. Photo: AAP

    SYDNEY,— More than 500 Syrian and Iraqi refugees have been refused entry to Australia during more than a year of vetting, with 12,000 other Syrians being found eligible for resettlement, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said on Thursday.

    Dutton was quoted by national broadcaster ABC as saying that the number of refusals was “startling.” He said the screening process had been based on intelligence provided by several countries, including the USA, Britain and Canada.

    The minister said the attack near Britain’s Parliament on Wednesday, in which an assailant with suspected links to Islamist terrorism killed three people and wounded dozens more using a car and a knife before being shot dead, justified the Australian government’s decision to be very selective about who it let into the country.

    “The tragic events in London and elsewhere demonstrate the government’s approach was prudent, and there are people that we’d excluded on national security grounds and people that we do have concerns about that we have not brought to our country and we never will.”

    ‘Significant consequences’

    He said Australia would have faced “significant consequences” if the government had brought the refugees to the country rapidly as proposed by the opposition Labor Party.

    Australia had announced in September 2015 that it would take in 12,000 refugees from the wars in Syria and Iraq. Some of the rejected refugees were from among those 12,000. Canberra said on Wednesday that more than 10,000 had already been brought to Australia.

    According to The Associated Press, Dutton’s office did not immediately respond on Thursday to a newspaper report saying that up to 900 of the refugees who were accepted were members of Syria’s Christian minority.

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