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    Messages reveal the role of Trump Ivanka in persuading her father to strike Syria

    Admin Assist
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    Messages reveal the role of Trump Ivanka in persuading her father to strike Syria Empty Messages reveal the role of Trump Ivanka in persuading her father to strike Syria

    Post by Rocky Tue 11 Apr 2017, 2:14 am

    Messages reveal the role of Trump Ivanka in persuading her father to strike Syria

    The security scene   Tuesday April 11, 2017

    The newspaper " The Independent" British said Ivanka, the daughter of US President Donald Trump, had a role in the US decision to strike some military areas of the system.
    The newspaper said it had seen "Sky Press", he had seen a secret diplomatic messages clarify the role of Ivanka in persuading her father 's need for a military strike against Syria.
    The report revealed that Ivanka her "inside the White House a big impact," and to take Trump 's decisions, even if the fateful.
    The paper quoted Britain 's ambassador to Washington, Sir Kim Darrow, he was quoted as saying in a diplomatic correspondent secret seen by the newspaper that Trump was strongly influenced by images that aired on the media about the chemical attack on Idlib, and the same thing happened with his daughter Ivanka.
    Said Darrow: " The positions of Ivanka had a great influence in the Oval Office, so that her reaction was stronger than expected."
    According to the documents, Ivanka has informed the US administration about her grief and anger at the sight of the pictures that came out of Syria, he described the chemical attack as "ugly".
    The United States implemented, last Friday, passing missile attack Tomahawk, targeting the Assad regime Brive Homs capillaries base (center).

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