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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary agriculture: food security will not be achieved without the support of agriculture and

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    Parliamentary agriculture: food security will not be achieved without the support of agriculture and Empty Parliamentary agriculture: food security will not be achieved without the support of agriculture and

    Post by Rocky Tue 11 Apr 2017, 4:15 am

    Parliamentary agriculture: food security will not be achieved without the support of agriculture and ending the dumping policy

    Tuesday April 11, 2017 12:02

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad
    The Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture Parliamentary Furat al - Tamimi , Tuesday, that the agricultural sector is the best way to achieve food security for the Iraqi citizen integration rather than relying on imported, calling on the government to activate the laws that serve the interests of the agriculture sector and to protect the local product and end dumping domestic market policy.
    Jubouri: agricultural investment and promotion of the most important means of saving the agricultural sector
    Chairman of the Diyala Council: Agriculture has become a sector to maintain a loser and need a revolution

    Tamimi said in an interview with Alsumaria's News, " The level of agricultural production in Iraq is still suffering from great difficulties caused by the decline in the local product size, causing big losses for this important sector , " noting that "there are many combined problems led to the agricultural sector , the deterioration and lack of benefit from it in support of the country 's economy in order to achieve self - sufficiency. "

    Tamimi said that "dumping followed policy and the lack of protection of the domestic product, in addition to overlapping powers the great corruption that exists in state institutions with a deliberately by neighboring countries to consider Iraq a key market for its products and water war waged by these countries all contributed to the lack of recovery of the agricultural sector in the country ".

    He pointed out that "agricultural production costs have risen dramatically with the presence of significant challenges experienced by the Iraqi farms accompanied by the absence of a true vision of responsible parties to support the agricultural sector", stressing that "the agricultural sector is the best way to achieve food security for the Iraqi people rather than relying on the importer as it represents continuing wealth is inexhaustible in the event of importance was given to him. "

    He stressed Tamimi, "the need for the government interest in supporting the agriculture sector and rely on it as a key resource to secure national food through activating the laws that serve the interests of this vital sector is important to provide adequate his protection and product domestic and end dumping policy of the market by adjusting the border crossing points."

    The Ministry of Planning of the Central Bureau of Statistics released, on Monday (April 10, 2017), and in collaboration with the World Food Program and the Institute of Nutrition Research at the Ministry of Health and the Kurdistan region, the results of a survey comprehensive analysis of food security to vulnerable families in Iraq in 2016 and categories.

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