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    Hakim calls for the activation of the Joint Commission between Iraq and Tunisia

    Admin Assist
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    Hakim calls for the activation of the Joint Commission between Iraq and Tunisia Empty Hakim calls for the activation of the Joint Commission between Iraq and Tunisia

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Apr 2017, 9:54 am

    Hakim calls for the activation of the Joint Commission between Iraq and Tunisia


    Ammar al-Hakim, head of the National Alliance called for the activation of the Joint Commission between Iraq and Tunisia and activating parliamentary diplomacy between the two countries and activating trade and economic exchanges, including the two countries is in the service.
    According to his press office said in a statement obtained "direction Press" a copy of it, "said Mr. Hakim warned during a meeting with President of the Tunisian People's Assembly Mohammed Nasser, the region of the areas are looking for Daesh to compensate for the loss in Iraq, noting that all the reports and estimates talk about the city Sirte, Libya, which requires intelligence cooperation between Iraq and Tunisia.
    Hakim said: "that Iraq has the experience in the fight against terrorism, and that the victories have created experiences and accumulated, and enabled the Iraqis to confront terrorism on their own without the presence of any fighter on the ground only international support represented by air and intelligence support and training."
    Hakim arrived in Tunis Friday from Cairo, after a visit to Egypt took several days. Commander of Essebsi and Foreign Minister Khamis Alaghinawa Tunisian President Beji met. sa

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