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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Haytham Manna: groups under the command of Ankara planned to assassinate me .. We do not recognize t

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Haytham Manna: groups under the command of Ankara planned to assassinate me .. We do not recognize t Empty Haytham Manna: groups under the command of Ankara planned to assassinate me .. We do not recognize t

    Post by Rocky Wed 26 Apr 2017, 3:01 am

    Haytham Manna: groups under the command of Ankara planned to assassinate me .. We do not recognize the limits of 46 with Turkey


    Revealed the Secretariat of the National Conference of the Syrian Democratic member of Haytham Manna threats to kill him by groups under the command of Turkey, and that has nothing to do about it to the Syrians.
    Manna said in an interview with the channel fields that he is not hearing in the media about civilian deaths caused by the bombing of the US-led international coalition, pointing out that "the banner of Iskenderun is in our blood we as Syrians."
    Manna pointed to the existence of "54000 and 300 bodies of jihadists came from outside Syria" and that the number of these bodies "in Syria is greater than the number of" jihadists "who were in Afghanistan.
    The problem, according to a member of the General Secretariat of the National Conference of the Syrian Democratic that "the number of fighters in Syria is about 100 thousand Syrians," adding that "there is no Syrian society more than 2000 jihad and the rest are foreigners."

    We do not recognize the limits of 46 with Turkey
    In the same context, he said, "We do not recognize the borders of 46 with Turkey," adding that defenders of Kurdish rights and considers it part of the national identity.
    With regard to the next steps regarding the Syrian dialogue, he said, "It is based on communication with the rest of the political parties to build a national democratic front.
    Manna and challenged to be any of the Democratic Congress figures have received funds or orders from any point, pointing out that "we need to pay the full force for the success of a political solution and build a civil democratic state in Syria."
    "We have come to a new trilogy necessary for salvation is: not to avenge not to take revenge not hatred."
    He noted that most of the components of the Cairo Conference supported the National Democratic Congress of the Syrian, considering that in the draft international envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura "procrastination and delay," and said, "We need a practical project in Syria and (UN envoy to Syria Staffan) Dmistora is not eligible for it."

    Manna said Qatar What you pay for football more than you pay for the Palestinian cause.
    He added that "De Mistura agrees everyone is not qualified and contradictions to deal with a complex issue, and that there is an American consensus on the development of Russian opposition platforms as they are from the beginning."
    Manna accused the international envoy that he "is not an independent decision and does not have a coherent project."

      Current date/time is Mon 03 Jun 2024, 7:38 pm