Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


I can be reached by phone or text 8am-7pm cst 972-768-9772 or, once joining the board I can be reached by a (PM) Private Message.

Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    “Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea…


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    “Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea… Empty “Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea…

    Post by Lobo Wed 26 Apr 2017, 5:12 pm

    Experts: Japan “wants to just drop tanks” of Fukushima nuclear waste into ocean — Americans worried over plumes hitting West Coast — “Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea… The world does need to help” — Official says Japan lying about catastrophe
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    Dedicated Investor
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    “Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea… Empty Re: “Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea…

    Post by ksp Wed 26 Apr 2017, 6:40 pm


    By Bob Nichols on April 22, 2017

    Facing a Dying Nation

    A big reason Americans know they suffered through such high Rads in 2008 is because the government counted the Beta particles radiation “excursions” from the killer reactors and nuclear weapons.


    High Gamma Count in 2008: 506,026 CPM in New York City.

    High Beta Count in 2008: 4,601,174 CPM in Nashville, Tennessee.


    Later the Beta Radiation Count was quietly dropped by the government just when we needed to know. We were all damaged or were killed by this on purpose Rad dosing of the population by these Psychopaths. The Rad is still going on, too.

    This was premeditated murder. It is a simple murder charge under State laws. Rein in and execute these morons. This VT article is Evidence.

    The Rad will continue to increase because that is what Rad does.The simple reason is some of the Uranium continues to decay to Plutonium. When that happens the Rad Count increases. Once set free, the change cannot be altered or stopped by anyone or anything.

    There is nothing we can do to stop it. The Rad will take us all out. Yea, that includes all of us; plus the bugs and the fish driving around in the our air, lakes, rivers and oceans. The Rad also Nails the long lived remnants of the Dinosaurs; y’know … the birds. They don’t have a prayer.

    All of us are included; none are left out. That is reality, anything else is just wishful thinking or a purposeful lie.

    The possible number of readings in 2008 was 8,784. [24X366 = 8,784 Hourly Readings possible. 2008 was a Leap year.]

    Bob Nichols, Veterans Today Columnist

    “Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea… Black-Star-shows-tracks-of-Alpha-particles-in-an-Apes-lung-much-like-yours-alpha_ana
    Black Star shows tracks of Alpha particles in an Apes lung much like yours

    Good Day! This is “Your Radiation This Week ” for the Radiation High readings for the year 2008. These are the recorded Total Gamma Radiation and Beta Radiation Highs that affected people around the States.

    YRTW ELE is published every two weeks on Saturday. ELE is an acronym for “Extinction Level Event.” The amount of Rad in the air Now Dooms Humanity to a quick Extinction. I can’t say it any plainer than that.  The next publication dates are May 6 and May 20, 2017.

    Alert: The Table has changed: It is a VT Table and more capable, all columns are Sortable. Click on the triangle symbols to Sort. The entire article is protected by VT against CyberArmies and amateur hackers that might try to destroy or alter this article.

    Table of Poisoned American Cities

    Total Gamma and Beta Radiation
    Per Hour High for 2008 CPM * City State


    [th]GAMMA COUNT[/th][th]CPM[/th][th]CITY[/th][th]STATE[/th][th]BETA COUNT[/th][th]CPM[/th]Showing 1 to 10 of 64 entries

    Coincidence, Right?

    Dedicated Investor
    Dedicated Investor

    Posts : 221
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    “Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea… Empty Re: “Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea…

    Post by ksp Wed 26 Apr 2017, 6:43 pm

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    “Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea… Empty Re: “Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea…

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