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    Urgent : Iraq's sovereignty is no less dangerous than terrorism

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Urgent : Iraq's sovereignty is no less dangerous than terrorism Empty Urgent : Iraq's sovereignty is no less dangerous than terrorism

    Post by Rocky Sat 29 Apr 2017, 3:37 am

    Urgent : Iraq's sovereignty is no less dangerous than terrorism

    Editorial Date: 2017/4/29
    Said the Speaker of the House of Representatives Salim al-Jubouri that the violation of Iraq's sovereignty is no less dangerous than terrorism, "referring to the recent Turkish shelling of the Sinjar area of ​​Nineveh province.
    Al-Jubouri said in a speech held by the coalition of the Iraqi Forces Coalition for the violations of gangs and called on the terrorist attacks against the people of Nineveh and the sacrifices of the Iraqi armed forces in the liberation: the violation of sovereignty is no less dangerous than terrorism. We have said before that we accept any support from any country to support us in the battle of terrorism Legal frameworks and through coordination with the Iraqi government. "
    "We reject any violation by any country that violates Iraqi sovereignty and violates the sanctity of our borders, and we reject any manifestation of the presence of terrorist movements and armed groups outside the law."
    "We are facing the final moment of the battle of Mosul when the enemy feels close to its defeat through the executions carried out by systematic isolation and starvation, which daily scores of civilian casualties to prevent our victory."
    He stressed "the superiority of human life and its existence on all considerations and conservation is the real victory away from the measures of keeping the ground if we could save the lives of our people and our forces in the Ayman Mosul."
    "It is necessary to take the risks of what is happening to the civilian civilians in Mosul in consideration and work seriously by the executive and security forces to direct the delivery of food in air and in sufficient quantities on the besieged areas in the Ayman Mosul and beyond the idea of ​​fears of the occurrence of terrorism, To the people will be enough to save the hungry civilian hostages from destruction. "
    "The executive bodies bear the responsibility of saving the lives of civilians from hunger on the battlefield and we call on them to take the initiative in carrying out their national and humanitarian responsibilities," Jabouri said, adding that "our heroic forces are able and with God's help to provide them with death before they taste a bit."
    "Mosul has proven that it is capable of making hope through its people's initiative to restore many facilities and neighborhoods in the liberated Mosul," he stressed, stressing that the page of injustice imposed by the preacher and the wrong policies that have led to the entry and deportation of millions of Iraqi citizens Several Iraqi provinces ".
    "Our heroic forces have made significant qualitative progress in their fight against terrorism and have won the professionalism of what has made terrorism lose its ability to maintain its potential," he said.
    He called on "the internal security forces, intelligence and intelligence to make a qualitative effort to monitor the schemes of the enemy and proactively thwarting and protect civilians who are safe from his crime."
    "Terrorism has been floundering here and there in order to achieve imaginary victories through its cowardly crimes, the most recent of which was the Karrada bombing last night, which claimed the lives of many civilians. This makes our task in confronting this criminal enemy complex by confronting it on the battlefield and confronting its revenge plans within cities, .

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