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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The world in 24 hours

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 271530
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     The world in 24 hours Empty The world in 24 hours

    Post by Rocky Wed 10 May 2017, 1:56 am

    The world in 24 hours

    Cairo , the
    abolition of life imprisonment on the Brotherhood 's Guide in Egypt

    ruled the Egyptian Court of Cassation, the highest judicial body in the country, to cancel the sentences of 47 people , the leaders and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, led by the group's leader, Mohammed Badi.
    Ranged canceled sentences between rigorous imprisonment for 10 years and life imprisonment, in the case known as the events of "Arab police station", and accused of committing the events and the killing of violence in Port Said governorate east of the country in August / August 2013.
    ordered the Court of Cassation in its judgment today to re - trial of the accused again in front of one of the criminal circles is already ruling issued them guilty.
    The Criminal Port Said court issued in the month of August / August 2015 sentenced to punish Mohammed Badi and leaders of the Brotherhood , Mohamed El - Beltagy, and Safwat Hijazi, and 16 other people, was sentenced to life imprisonment for 25 years in his presence, and to punish 76 other defendants from fleeing punishment itself in absentia, and punish 28 others in his presence in prison aggravated for 10 years, and acquitted 68 defendants , which attributed to them charges.
    The Egyptian judicial system allows for those convicted in felony cases of cassation appeal for two consecutive times before final judgment is passed on them, or deal with the Court of Cassation itself on the merits of the final adjudication, and take this judicial session of five to six years.

    "Moon Jae said that" wins 41.4% in the presidential election in South Korea

    achieved a lawyer , human rights defender, Moon Jae said, a landslide victory in the presidential elections in South Korea, according to opinion polls at the exit of the polls published after voting ends Tuesday .
    According to the joint survey conducted by three television stations, that "Moon belongs to the Democratic Party won 41.4% of the vote, followed by conservative Hong-John Pew with 23.3% and that the average Cheol-soo with 21.8%.
    Who is the Moon ?
    moon son of North Korean refugees, and had been imprisoned in the seventies to lead protests against the military ruler Park Chung is, the father of the main isolated.
    leads the Park Democratic Party, a center - left party, and had run against Park in the 2012 elections
    and portrays moon himself as person who is able to distance the country from the scandals of the reign of Park. moon said as he cast his vote : "I feel that the people are in dire need to change the government."
    supports m Wen further dialogue with North Korea while continuing to pressure and sanctions, in a significant difference from the park , which cut off most of the relations between the two countries.

    Riyadh ,
    Saudi Arabia went calls for Arab leaders to attend the Arab - American summit

    drew Saudi Arabia calls for Arab leaders to attend the Arab - American Islamic Summit hosted by the Kingdom . as reported by the Saudi Press agency
    (SPA). according to the agency, the King Salman bin Abdul Aziz, the face of calls to Morocco's King Mohammed VI , containing an invitation to attend the Arab - American Islamic Summit Tstdifaaalmmlkh. It also made similar calls, from King Salman bin Abdulaziz to both Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi, and to Iraqi President Fuad Masum included the invitation to attend the summit.

    China react "militarily" on "national security" threats ,

    announced the Chinese Defense Ministry, on Tuesday that Beijing has recently tested a new kind of guided missiles in the north - east sea near the Korean peninsula, and hours after the South Korean elections amid regional tension.
    The ministry said in a brief statement did not specify the date of the launch of the missile, the test in the Bohai Sea , aimed at "increasing the operational capacity of the armed forces and to respond effectively to threats to national security." The statement did not mention the date of the launch of the missile, but said he had "recently." Also it did not give details about the missile, and the platform was launched , including type, according to Agence France Presse reported. The announcement coincides with the election of South Korean human rights activist , former Moon Jae-president said, after the scandal led to the former president on trial for corruption. This comes the test while tension prevails the region because of the launch of North Korea 's missile and nuclear tests, in defiance of the international community and the sanctions imposed by the Security Council. The US military deployment defense anti-missile system in South Korea, to face the threats of North Korea, but China considers this a threat to the regional balance and ballistic missile capabilities.
    The Chinese military has conducted maneuvers with live ammunition, and has tested weapons in the Bohai Sea, north - east of the country, near the Korean peninsula. And oversees Chinese President, Xi Jinping, on the modernization of the armed forces of the country, with a focus on technological innovations and marine capacity, as part of China 's quest to review the largest force in the dispute over the South China Sea.

      Current date/time is Tue 04 Jun 2024, 5:36 pm