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    Condoleezza Rice about the consolidation of democracy in the world

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    Condoleezza Rice about the consolidation of democracy in the world Empty Condoleezza Rice about the consolidation of democracy in the world

    Post by Rocky Sun 14 May 2017, 1:31 am

    Condoleezza Rice about the consolidation of democracy in the world

     Translation / Ahmed al-Zubaidi

    Condoleezza Rice wrote in the opener of the new and important book , she says: "I have seen," insisted how people in Africa, Asia and Latin America to gain freedom. ... I was a child, and you're part of a great awakening: Kantb Mathaba the second foundation of America, while the civil rights movement in my hometown has spread in the city of Birmingham , . Expression "We are the people" has expanded recently to include people like me. ... There is no moment more exciting from the moment people get their freedom and their rights. "

    And this vision you are talking about Rice in her book , " Democracy: Stories from the long road to freedom "that should be a goal of American foreign policy in the atheist and the twentieth century. this view, which is spread widely in the Democratic party than the Republican party, has dimmed its luster in recent years due to the disappointment of the developments of events in a group of countries stretching from Ukraine and Rwanda until Egypt and Turkey, but Rice is still an ardent enthusiasm and belief in the benefits and strategic importance to the consolidation of democracy is strengthened , but its And stronger than it was when he joined the Bush administration in 2001.
    The defense of Rice continued about the need to strengthen democracy draws attention to him amid pursuit of Republicans to stick approach "America first" adopted by President Trump towards global issues. It is one of the most distinguished diplomats and respected widely in the country. when the diminished influence of hardline advisers such as Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld , President Bush in the years following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Secretary of State Rice has emerged in Bush 's second term being with the only sound influential that draws policy external Yeh. And being a specialist in Russian affairs, I got my first real experience in government as part of President George W. Bush 's team, who helped end the Cold War.
    The decisions taken in those years formed American politics for a generation. In the absence of the Soviet Union, the United States did not withdraw from the world. It has expanded its commitment to global issues policy, which seeks to build what some have called in the first Bush administration 's "new world order" based on the spread of democracy and liberal capitalism on a larger scale in the world. Despite their differences, the three presidents, respectively, they are Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush and Barack Obama, have worked in this general framework; but with Donald Trump 's inauguration became the US president does not adopt this vision, supported by both parties.
    We can not predict early in the Trump administration if the president will turn his election campaign speech on "America first" foreign policy to face or reshape US foreign policy in the post - cold war. But what we know is that the ambitious and wide - ranging objectives of the draft global system did not have at all popular with voters, as well as at the political and media elites. Since 1992, when voters refused to vote for George W. Bush chose Clinton instead of him, who was critical of trade agreements with North America free trade with China during his campaign, and in 2016, when Trump triumphed over Hillary Clinton, said Trump least candidate internationally renown who wins the presidential election. The George W. Bush supports a foreign policy that "modest" and stuck to "build the nation" in exchange for the international agenda for Vice President Al Gore. He was seen as promoting Obama 's foreign policy is less assertive and less expensive in 2008 than John McCain, and in 2012, mocked Obama 's team of Mitt Romney warned that Vladimir Putin is the enemy of a prominent geopolitical America.
    The election results in 2016 may make the promotion of democracy of the most endangered species elements in the work of the "new world order agenda." Free trade has powerful defenders in the corporate world. While the principle of strengthening democracy strongly supported by non - governmental organizations - some of them, such as the National Endowment for Democracy, receives government funds could be at risk. Book "Democracy" is an attempt by Condoleezza Rice to make the idea of promoting democracy a key US foreign policy goal. This book shows the frank and sincere, and sometimes very attractive, supporters of democracy are committed to their work, but it also refers to the reason why many people are skeptical of
    this idea.
    Rice is a writer above all honest and frank. They do not manufacture rather topics or manipulate the data. It also expresses when talking about cases where the promotion of democracy has led to costly mistakes, when referring to the Palestinian elections in 2006 , when she and her team pressed the Palestinians to conduct and on Israelis to support them , confident that Hamas would lose. But Hamas won, and still the impasse in the relationship between the Palestinian parties and the fighting that happened later between them hold peace making in the Middle East mission to this day. It is also explicit in the detection of the mistakes made in Iraq, and showed that disasters such as ill - treatment of prisoners in Abu Ghraib and missteps of Americans at some point after the invasion of Iraq led to the complexity of the Bush administration 's goals to promote democracy elsewhere. It is in her book , she expressed also honestly the Orange Revolution failed in Ukraine, and the internal fighting and corruption , which eventually led to the outbreak of another Ukrainian revolution in 2014. He also pointed to setbacks in Egypt and Turkey, and the failure in Libya in the construction of any kind of government after the overthrow of Gaddafi.
    But for Condoleezza Rice, the reason for this failure is largely due to the fact that the consolidation of the democratic process "difficult - really, but really very difficult", but this means that it is not important or impossible. He still insists that the promotion of democracy is a moral responsibility inevitable for the United States as well as it is the only policy capable of protecting US security in the long term. She noted that the process of strengthening democracy has experienced successes and failures. One of those successes also remember: "The elections" are still attracting long queues of voters for the first time, even among the poorest and least educated in Africa. "They balance their reports about the places where democracy has failed, at least for the time being, with stories of difficult victories, although they often were limited, but important historically , where democracy is still making successes. We find signs of hope for that in Colombia, Kenya, Tunisia, Ghana ,
    and Rice says that the strength of local institutions can make a difference in building Aldemqratih.mthel police, judiciary, free press, political parties: Andm These institutions are strong, can emerging democracies to take root and grow.
    But foreign support can also help. Cites Rice agreements Millennium Challenge Corporation put forward by the second Bush administration, and provided substantial support to countries that are committed to reforms and clear in the area of governance. Such as Liberia, where he helped the democratic government in which the introduction of significant improvements, and proved new and useful ability to combat an outbreak of Ebola in 2014
    , but there remains a political question: is there enough support in the US policy to develop an agenda for democracy - building to ensure that Trump 's management remains and their successors in the White House in the heart of The battle?
    It must be a double answer. There are areas in which efforts to strengthen democracy can serve directly important to the extent that can be supporters of the principle of American interests Service (America 's first) , the most stringent "to realize their benefits. In Nigeria, for example, the state 's ability to combat terrorism is closely linked to its ability to manage the affairs of the country. but when there is a clear link directly challenge the national security and clear, it may be difficult to defend these policies when re - American voters assess their commitment to the global agenda which was developed by the first President Bush for many years. one must hope that those who participate in discussions C Crohn 's reflect on the ideas and examples presented by Condoleezza Rice , and certainly. Both supporters and skeptics consolidating democracy will be after reading the book more wiser and better knowledge.

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