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    Scenario for the postponement of parliamentary elections is facing categorically major blocs

    Admin Assist
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    Scenario for the postponement of parliamentary elections is facing categorically major blocs Empty Scenario for the postponement of parliamentary elections is facing categorically major blocs

    Post by Rocky Sun 21 May 2017, 1:21 am

    Scenario for the postponement of parliamentary elections is facing categorically major blocs

     Baghdad / Mohammad Sabah

    Quiet and slow pace of political parties to conduct intensive consultations to postpone the upcoming parliamentary elections for two years that the current government has the powers of executive, legislative and working to create the right conditions to set new dates for the forthcoming parliamentary elections.
    The clash of these parties desire fame and large veto influential blocs, which was quick to hold multiple consultative meetings, which agreed to hold parliamentary elections on time and the election of the Commission
    The president of the National Alliance , Ammar al - Hakim, on Thursday, that " the postponement of the parliamentary elections is a red line is debatable or negotiation", describing the elections as "it is the political process based on the evidence of the vitality and sustainability must be holding the elections on time , whatever the circumstances , without delay or procrastination .
    Fadi al - Shammari, a leader of the Supreme Council said in a statement (term) yesterday, "there are conversations from multiple parties, but few pay to postpone parliamentary elections Tjajh justifications are unconvincing for large blocks , " he said, adding that " the National Alliance forces with the integration of local and parliamentary elections and conduct A Next. "
    Came out a consultative meeting of the three presidencies and political blocs is the highest of its kind, and attended by representatives of the most prominent Kurdish parties, the agreement is required to replace the Electoral Commission" Twakie "and the holding of parliamentary elections on time after resolving disputes over its laws.
    Shammari adds that" these parties seeking for the dismissal of the electoral Commission without finding her alternative would hinder inevitably through its registration of these entities, parties and logistical preparation for the forthcoming parliamentary elections , which becomes postponed a fait accompli does not need a process of discussion. "
    The attention of the leader of the al - Hakim , the party that "big powers insist on resolving the parliamentary committee of experts to choose a new board of commissioners before displaying any dismissal of the current Commission in parliament , " adding that " the National Alliance rejects renewal of any member of the Electoral Commission the
    He speaks one of the most prominent aide to head of the National Alliance , "the presence of the parties to rely on some of the options in the forefront of the dismissal of the election commission to postpone the parliamentary elections , " and noted "the existence of other parties to rely on foreign interventions to postpone parliamentary elections direction."
    Fadi Al Shammari explains that the scenarios that entail the postponement of parliamentary elections by saying : "There will be a caretaker government with the legal and constitutional power to impose a state of emergency considering the absence of the House of Representatives and thus become a legislative and executive powers."
    Shammari asserts that "these multiple scenarios will not go after the big and powerful political forces agreement not to postpone the parliamentary elections , " he said, adding that "these propositions come from the forces rely on foreign agendas and some of them possess great popularity."
    In this context , revealed parliamentary sources (range) yesterday, for fear haunt some Shiite forces from the participation of the popular crowd in the upcoming parliamentary elections and the fear of its alliance with the head of a coalition of state law , Nuri al - Maliki, and push the parties towards the postponement of parliamentary elections for two years until the annexation of the crowd in the hardware security.
    The deputy close to the prime minister has revealed, earlier this month, the scenes of the secret meeting held by Abadi , with the leader of Sadr in the holy city of Karbala, stressing that al- Sadr asked to postpone local elections until a solution to the participation of the popular crowd in the elections, adding to the fear of the current leader of the go voices crowd to the outskirts Akhasamha.
    The meeting came days after the reception of the chest, at his headquarters in Najaf, the head of the National Alliance , Ammar al - Hakim and the House of Representatives Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, in the meetings described surpise addressed the overall political and security problems.
    He adds parliamentary source, who spoke to (range) and the condition of anonymity, "There is a Sunni and Shiite political forces pushing for the postponement of the elections that will lead to the formation of caretaker government business and then an emergency government working to create the elections and determine the
    The cleric Moqtada al - Sadr announced, on Friday evening in a televised interview, he supported the survival of Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi for a second term, renewed his criticism of the rule of Nuri al - Maliki , saying he was responsible for the loss of one - third of the area of Iraq.
    The Iraqi constitution defines in Article 72 the mandate of the President of the Republic of the end of the House of Representatives session specified in Article (65) to be first electoral session of the House of Representatives four calendar years, starting with the first session and ending by the end of the fourth year.
    The Constitution was not clear for determining the period of the caretaker government, Article (46 / II) of the Constitution states that "The President of the Republic, when the dissolution of the House of Representatives, to the general elections in the country within a maximum period of sixty days from the date of dissolution, The Council of Ministers in this case , he resigned, and continues to run everyday things. "
    This article did not specify and other constitutional articles that the caretaker will depend upon the political blocs that adopt the postponement of the elections to continue the caretaker government and the government holds the executive and legislative powers.
    According to a member of the Legal Committee , MP Hassan Shammari said " the Iraqi constitution did not specify the period of the caretaker government , " asserting that " the government is part of the institution of the state , which under the Iraqi constitution , the mandate of the President of the Republic and the parliament in four calendar years."
    On the other hand, denied al - Shammari, told ( the term), the Legal Committee in Parliament received a draft parliamentary election law, stressing that "there is a tendency among the political blocs to postpone the discussion of provincial councils and parliament elections law until after the holiday."
    Confirms MP Fares Knight and the existence of the movement for political parties seeking to postpone the upcoming parliamentary elections and the formation of an emergency government based legislative and executive functions, and spoke of a genuine desire for political parties not continued bossing the government in the event of the postponement of the parliamentary elections on schedule. "Says MP from the Union of Iraqi forces, in a statement (range) yesterday that " the Sunni blocs require in the absence of the return of the displaced to their areas to postpone parliamentary elections until the western provinces and to secure the return of all citizens."

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