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    Lawmakers warn of the danger of a referendum on the region and the unity of the country

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    Lawmakers warn of the danger of a referendum on the region and the unity of the country Empty Lawmakers warn of the danger of a referendum on the region and the unity of the country

    Post by Rocky Sun 18 Jun 2017, 4:02 am

    Lawmakers warn of the danger of a referendum on the region and the unity of the country

    6/18/2017 0:00

    BAGHDAD / Shaima Rashid
    since identifying the Kurdish parties , which met at the invitation of the President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, on 25 September next date for a referendum on independence from Iraq, and the debate rages between the Arab parties , which warned of the consequences of independence , the unity of Iraq, and that circumstance and time is not suitable for the vote, and between the two Kurdish parties possess the weight and a popular political movement of change (Curran) and the Kurdistan Islamic group , which affirms that no call for a referendum in isolation from the federal government and the Parliament is disabled. The MP for the Reform Front, Fred Brahimi, to put the referendum in this dangerous time and a big risk for the political process in the country, indicating that the whole subject does not serve Iraq or the Kurdish people , despite the insistence of it led to the presence of a lot of obstacles in front of him. Brahimi said in an interview for "morning": that the timing of the referendum is not suitable because it is not in the interest of Iraq and the Kurdish people . Some Kurdish opposed by parties, as well as regional and international opposition to him, pointing out that the region semi - independent since 1991 , the Iraqi government. Brahimi said that raising the issue of the referendum is intended to distracting Iraq after a new dilemma "Daesh", or divert attention from the victories achieved by the security forces from the army, the police and the crowd, noting that put the issue must be at the right time and circumstance. Brahimi saw what he described as "adventure" by the president of the region will not be in his favor, especially that all regional states and most of the political blocs opposed to the referendum and prepared by a first step to divide Iraq. Brahimi asked: Are countries in the region that allow there to be the nucleus of a Kurdish state in southern Turkey and western Iran? MP did not rule out the mass of reform that political dimensions are behind the referendum, adding that the Kurdish people 's rights will not be realized for secession because the region will benefit from remaining in Iraq under greater than his separation with him. In turn, through the MP for the Liberal bloc, Abdul Hadi al- Odeh, lamented projects that lead to disrupt the unity of the country, stressing that the referendum is not in the interest of Iraq now , nor at any other time , because Iraq is not only to be strong in its unity. He said the return, in an interview with the "morning", the right to self - determination acknowledged constitutionally, but such a right would lead to a weakening of Iraq in the region, adding that the Liberal bloc will issue a statement on the subject, while the parliament will discuss in the next chapter of this issue and its implications with Kurdish parties. While the Kurdish MP went in the House of Representatives, Adel Nouri, the regional situation today is very appropriate for the referendum "in the presence of international understandings", stressing that the referendum will keep an appointment scheduled, while the announcement of the establishment of a Kurdish state understandings with Baghdad to cut off the road in front of the problems that needs It may occur later. He explained Nuri, in an interview with the "morning", the Kurdish people struggling for ages to realize his dream of independence from the monarchy and so far, noting that after the fall of the previous dictatorial regime and the writing of the Iraqi constitution was supposed to Article 140 lead to resolve the outstanding problems between the Federal and Government the region , but the period has elapsed and did not solve the problems. Nuri said that the solution of the problems are three ways the first legal and constitutional means and , unfortunately , we did not find a real intention to resolve problems between the federal government and the region, and the second is to resort to political consensus and this also did not happen so it was left only to impose a fait accompli, referring to the Kurdish administration already exist on all regions disputed control of the Peshmerga forces on the territories occupied by the "Daesh". Nuri pointed out that the confusion and controversy between the Kurdish parties on independence and the establishment of a Kurdish state due to the fear of some of these parties of the security, economic and political problems that may arise as a result of independence, stressing that the parties and the Kurdish people fully agree on the referendum as truly their rights recognized constitutionally.

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