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    BAGHDAD - Tehran: economic cooperation and coordination to counter terrorism

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    BAGHDAD - Tehran: economic cooperation and coordination to counter terrorism Empty BAGHDAD - Tehran: economic cooperation and coordination to counter terrorism

    Post by Rocky Wed 21 Jun 2017, 2:44 am

    BAGHDAD - Tehran: economic cooperation and coordination to counter terrorism

    6/21/2017 0:00

    Abadi met with a spiritual and Khamenei .. visiting Kuwait today
    The establishment of a coordinating council to improve Iraqi relations, Saudi Arabia
    BAGHDAD / morning
    Dr. Haider al-Abadi Prime Minister agreed with Iranian President Hassan Rowhani during his visit to Tehran yesterday, which is the second leg of his regional tour, which was started to visit Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will include, on the expansion of the Iraqi - Iranian cooperation.
    Abadi and capped his meetings with Iranian officials, to meet with the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran Seyed Ali Khamenei on Tuesday evening , who stressed that «Daesh live refraction phase and escape from Iraq and that this success is the fruit of unity and internal cohesion in Iraq and the fruit of the right policies of the Iraqi government to rely on the energies of
    young ».
    According to a statement issued by his press office, the «Abadi and spiritual search of many issues of common interest in the economic, trade, tourism, energy, investment and file issues, was also emphasized the importance of expanding cooperation and strengthening relations to serve the common interests of the two peoples and the two neighboring countries».
    The prime minister expressed «satisfaction with the development of relations between the two countries and the two peoples and Iraq 's desire to expand bilateral relations and cooperation against terrorism and work to achieve security and stability for the peoples and countries of the region and the orientation of economic development».
    Abadi also reviewed during the meeting « the great victories achieved by the Iraqi forces valiantly unprecedented and support all Iraqis of all affiliations to various forces and the unity of its different forms of the word of the Iraqi people against terrorism».
    For his part, Rowhani stressed the desire of the Islamic Republic to »increase bilateral cooperation in all fields», saying «his country's support for Iraq 's unity, security, stability and congratulated the success of the victories and liberation cities waged by Iraqi forces operations».
    Iranian president also noted that «Iraq is an important country in the region and can play a major role in achieving stability and peace in the region».
    The prime minister said during a joint press conference with Iranian Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri: that «our forces are editing the earth and man and we are in the final chapter to eliminate military Daesh in
    Published »morning» the text of the Saudi Iraqi Joint Statement on the visit by the Prime Minister to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as the statement referred to the two countries , an agreement to intensify joint action to combat extremism and dry up the sources of terrorism and its financing, as well as the establishment of a coordinating council to improve relations between Baghdad
    and Riyadh.

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