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    Newspaper: Bin Salman will cooperate secretly with Israel, in several cases

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    Newspaper: Bin Salman will cooperate secretly with Israel, in several cases Empty Newspaper: Bin Salman will cooperate secretly with Israel, in several cases

    Post by Rocky Fri 23 Jun 2017, 3:03 am

    Newspaper: Bin Salman will cooperate secretly with Israel, in several cases

    20:40 - 22/06/2017

    Israeli writer Smadar Perry said in an article published by Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper on Thursday that Israel and Saudi Arabia and the enemies of mutual friends, and share common interests, pointing out that the appointment of Mohammed bin Salman in the mandate of the Covenant is a good step for Israel.

    "When I held the royal family council, meal Ramadan breakfast, says the news that bin Nayef was between the two options, either to leave office quietly with a modest compensation for a few billion dollars, or mysteriously disappears."

    He pointed out that bin Nayef chose the first option, and agreed to convey the mandate of the Covenant to his son, Mohammed bin Salman.

    He Smadar speaking about the new Crown: "Prince Muhammad, the son of the 31-year-old only, is the eldest son of King Salman from his third wife, and became the overnight strong man in the kingdom, and while his father son of the 82-year-old among medical problems of suffering, it is practically the boss the new house".

    And Mohammed bin Nayef, said: "moderated bin Nayef, son 57-year-old fighting against al-Qaeda, but was seriously injured in the past in a terrorist operation was directed against him, although he did not receive a consolation in the form of the title of honor or the position of a symbolic prize, not even as a consultant, but with He had a good poignant gesture, Valomir Mohammed knelt down in front of the cameras, and before his hand for gratitude. "

    On his removal was considered the author as the incident did not surprise anyone, pointing out that his close associates were dismissed from the guards as key positions in recent weeks in favor of the Trustees of the new crown prince.

    He pointed out that many people have interpreted this move as the beginning of the rise of the third generation of the family of Maliki to power, "a new generation of leadership and a young man."

    Smadar pointed out that the young prince waiting for him work is not easy, "he will serve as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, will manage foreign affairs and the economy of Saudi Arabia, and among other things will have to confront regional conflict with Iran, as well as the boycott of Qatar files, and competition with Turkey, and the process of composite modernization of the economy Saudi Arabia, who finds it difficult to cope with the falling oil prices. "

    And personal Mohammed bin Salman Smadar said: "It was relatively unknown before assuming his father's throne about two years ago, but then after his tenure as crown crown prince, began to control the security and offer a modern economic vision for" Saudi Arabia 2030 ", and it came to launch promises to allow women to drive. "

    The writer and news quoted foreign intelligence forums, and reported that Mohammed bin Salman met with Israeli officials in Washington to discuss joint cooperation. "

    Israeli writer said that "in the last two years, heated bin Salman chair King and prepare for the post, he was able to fly to Washington to meet President Trump in March, and tried to weave plots with Putin against Assad, and push forward the isolation of Qatar, and was appointed to his new post is a matter of time Just".

    He concluded Smadar article by saying: "the appointment of Ben Salman is good news for Israel, Foley Covenant needs help and cooperation of secret, in Iran and terrorism problems, and will have to intelligence information, and is likely to be the Israelis are contributing to it, considering that Israel and Saudi Arabia common enemies, and friends subscribers and common interests ".anthy / 25

      Current date/time is Thu 06 Jun 2024, 3:20 pm