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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Alkhozai looking with a delegation of U.S. political developments in Iraq

    Interacting Investor
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    Alkhozai looking with a delegation of U.S. political developments in Iraq  Empty Alkhozai looking with a delegation of U.S. political developments in Iraq

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun 15 Sep 2013, 3:00 pm

    Alkhozai looking with a delegation of U.S. political developments in Iraq

    Last Update: Sunday, 15/09/2013

    BAGHDAD - "Gulf":

    Search Iraqi Vice President Khodair al with a senior adviser to the U.S. State Department Brett Magrec and the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad Stephen Bkravc, political developments in Iraq and the region and ways to develop relations between the two countries.

    The Alkhozai during the meeting that the political situation in Iraq is stepping serious steps towards stability and said that the social peace that has been put forward its clauses on all political blocs were to agree on all the paragraphs will be a roadmap for the future of the political process in Iraq, pointing out that the conference came to protect Iraq of the implications that surround it internally and externally, especially the developments in the Arab region and the regional.

    The Alkhozai revealed that everyone agrees that the unity of Iraq and the safety of its citizens above any other consideration. With regard to relations between the two countries Khuzai called on the U.S. government to provide more support for Iraq in all fields and activating the strategic framework agreement signed between the two countries.

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    Interacting Investor
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    Alkhozai looking with a delegation of U.S. political developments in Iraq  Empty Re: Alkhozai looking with a delegation of U.S. political developments in Iraq

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun 15 Sep 2013, 3:01 pm

    Alkhozai calling for the United States to activate the strategic framework agreement


    09/15/2013 12:00 AM

    Magrec: Washington supports Baghdad's role in the Syrian crisis
    Baghdad morning

    Deputy Prime republic Khodair al United States to provide more support for Iraq in all fields and activating the strategic framework agreement signed between the two countries. A statement by the Office of the Vice President of the Republic received the "morning," a copy of it, that "Alkhozai received in his office on Saturday, senior adviser to the U.S. State Department Brett Magrec and the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Brett, "noting that" the meeting, they discussed ways to develop relations between the two countries and political developments in Iraq and the region. "

    Khuzai explained during the meeting that "the political situation in Iraq is stepping serious steps towards stability, "stressing that" Everyone agreed that the unity of Iraq and the safety of its citizens above any other consideration. "and added that" the social peace that was agreed to its terms by all the political blocs, came to protect Iraq from the consequences that surrounded both internally and externally, and in particular the developments in the Arab region and the regional " He pointed out that "Iraq rejects military intervention in Syria because of the serious implications for the security and stability of Iraq and the region."

    For his part, senior adviser to the U.S. State Department Brett Magrec, U.S. support for the project of social peace in Iraq, expressing hope that "contributes to the conference in support of security and peaceful coexistence." He Magrec that "the success of the conference will be a solid platform for the political process in Iraq," He stressed that his government "supports the efforts and initiatives posed by Iraq in order to support global peace and especially Iraq's role in the Syrian crisis and Iran's nuclear file."

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    Interacting Investor
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    Location : San Antonio

    Alkhozai looking with a delegation of U.S. political developments in Iraq  Empty Re: Alkhozai looking with a delegation of U.S. political developments in Iraq

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun 15 Sep 2013, 3:04 pm

    The Strategic Framework Agreement for a Relationship of Friendship and Cooperation between the United States and the Republic of Iraq guides our overall political, economic, cultural, and security ties with Iraq. This agreement is designed to help the Iraqi people stand on their own and reinforce Iraqi sovereignty, while protecting U.S. interests in the Middle East. The SFA normalizes the U.S.-Iraqi relationship with strong economic, diplomatic, cultural, and security cooperation and serves as the foundation for a long-term bilateral relationship based on mutual goals.


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    Alkhozai looking with a delegation of U.S. political developments in Iraq  Empty Re: Alkhozai looking with a delegation of U.S. political developments in Iraq

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