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    Maliki's policy to defend the agreement of Hezbollah - a call and attack critics "ignorant"

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     Maliki's policy to defend the agreement of Hezbollah - a call and attack critics "ignorant" Empty Maliki's policy to defend the agreement of Hezbollah - a call and attack critics "ignorant"

    Post by Rocky Thu 31 Aug 2017, 3:58 am

    Maliki's policy to defend the agreement of Hezbollah - a call and attack critics "ignorant"

    The Vice President of the Republic and the leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki, on Wednesday defended an agreement reached by the Lebanese Hezbollah with a group calling for the transfer of hundreds of militants from the area of ​​the border of Lebanon to the Syrian province of Deir al-Zour on the borders of Iraq.

    Maliki, known for his proximity to Iran, a Hezbollah ally, is the first Iraqi official to defend the deal, which has faced widespread criticism in Iraq.

    "The transfer of a number of fighters to the terrorist camp in Deir al-Zour is part of the strategy of the ongoing battle against the forces of terrorism," Maliki said in a statement read by Shafak News. "Each battle has its own conditions and tools to achieve victory."

    Maliki denounced what he called "the systematic campaign led by ignorance and hatred and drift behind the public opinion directed against the enemy of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah."

    He added that "the decision taken by Hezbollah is a right decision, and Mr. Sayyed Nasrallah, and the penetrator of the mind who doubts the truth and the seriousness of Hezbollah and Sayyed Nasrallah."

    Maliki pointed out that "talking about Deir al-Zour and Bo Kamal is a Syrian rather than an Iraqi, so such a procedure is dictated by the nature of the battles and what the fighter sees on the ground other than the observer who is not experienced fighting."

    He continued by saying, "The most important question of allowing hundreds of supporters of withdrawal from Tal Afar and queues after they handed over their weapons to the Peshmerga forces until everyone knew that Tal Afar was not liberated by fighting but by agreement, and here also we respect the will of the field commander and how to deal with situations on the ground because he sees what the observer does not see "He said.

    "Is it permissible to agree here, which is imposed by the military field, and it is not permissible there inside the Syrian territory?" Maliki asked, warning against "following the attempts of abuse and raising suspicion of splitting the ranks of the resistance front."

    The agreement has raised widespread opposition in Iraq at the official and popular levels.

    Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi expressed his rejection of the agreement, which requires the transfer of "Daash" militants from the Lebanese Jaroud Arsal, to the Syrian province of Deir al-Zur on the border with Iraq.

    Abadi said there was no justification for negotiations with the terrorists, adding that Baghdad was not seeking to contain "a mess" but to eliminate it and the terrorists have no choice but to surrender or die.

    Nasrallah responded to Iraq's criticism by saying that armed militants were transferred from Syrian territory to Syrian territory and not Iraqi.

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