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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    National Alliance: Who stands against Media Network stands against all Iraqis


    Posts : 5059
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    National Alliance: Who stands against Media Network stands against all Iraqis Empty National Alliance: Who stands against Media Network stands against all Iraqis

    Post by chouchou Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:43 pm

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    ational Alliance refused to prejudice patriotism and a professional Iraqi Media Network, stressing that stands against the network stands against all Iraqis. Comes at a time in which he called deputies from different blocks all media to support the Iraqi Media Network, in its campaign to support the security forces.

    Is a national duty

    The leader of the National Alliance MP Mohammed al-Hindawi said that "the security forces able to save Iraqi security is the first sacrificing to protect the citizen and the homeland, and must be supported by the media and the grassroots." Hindawi said in a statement to the "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," that "What is required now is to stand all government institutions and grassroots and media in particular, next to the security services because Iraq is passing through a difficult phase through the implications of security in the region," saying in this regard :

    "Everyone should come together in order to Iraq, and stands a pause of one man in support of the security services because it is in the first line of the face which is responsible for protecting Iraq and its citizens." noted the deputy that "the media one of the joints of the important effort that must be supported by the security forces in their work and example on the Iraqi Media Network, which initiated to support services through its information campaign and this is a national duty.

    "He Hindawi, the head of the Committee of Martyrs and Political Prisoners representative, said that" the Iraqi Media Network is working to devote national approach within all Iraqis and is working in the first grade in the face of all terrorists, and those who stand against the Iraqi Media Network stands against all Iraqis.

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