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    Russian newspaper: Russia and America rejected an Israeli request on Syria

    Admin Assist
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     Russian newspaper: Russia and America rejected an Israeli request on Syria Empty Russian newspaper: Russia and America rejected an Israeli request on Syria

    Post by Rocky Fri 15 Sep 2017, 5:06 am

    Russian newspaper: Russia and America rejected an Israeli request on Syria

    newspaper " Haaretz Israeli", that Russia and the United States have rejected an Israeli request to evacuate the border strip a depth of 60 km, south of Syria from any presence of forces , "backed by Iran ." 

    The newspaper pointed out that Israel insisted during negotiations last July on the establishment of the zone to reduce the escalation of the south, to extend such a tape in depth between 60 and 80 km along the occupied Golan, west of the road between Damascus and the city of Swaida, as part of any agreement to the truce in Syria .

    •  Russian newspaper: Russia and America rejected an Israeli request on Syria ArrowSelected2US ambassador talks about a scenario to remove the Iranian forces from Syria by Russian bombing

    •  Russian newspaper: Russia and America rejected an Israeli request on Syria ArrowSelected2The Times reveals secret Israeli operations in Syria to reduce Iran's influence


    But the Russians were ready to pledge only that the Iranian forces and allied units would not stay away from the lines of engagement between government and opposition forces more than 5 km away. The Syrian government continues to control the northern part of the occupied Golan, which means that the only thing the Russians have promised is that the Iranians will not reach the border. But the US intelligence agency fears Iranian plans to infiltrate across the border gradually, and also suspects that Tehran plans in the long term to strengthen its military and intelligence presence on the border with Israel, and turn the Golan into a A second front against Israel to open it in the event of an armed conflict between the Israeli army and Hezbollah .

    According to Haaretz, Iran spends about $ 800 million a year on Hezbollah support, in addition to millions of dollars in aid to the Syrian government, while Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza receive Iranian aid of $ 70 million. Israel believes that the efforts of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah with precision rockets have not been successful yet, but Israeli military officials describe the Iranian missile project in Syria as a major threat to Israeli security. Israel responded to the project by launching a series of attacks on convoys carrying weapons and weapons depots belonging to Hezbollah in Syria. The Haaretz confirmed that the last Israeli strike that targeted Masyaf last week destroyed a facility to produce high-precision missiles.[/size]

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