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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Syria is preparing to open a center to promote its exports in Baghdad

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Syria is preparing to open a center to promote its exports in Baghdad Empty Syria is preparing to open a center to promote its exports in Baghdad

    Post by Rocky Sun 22 Oct 2017, 3:56 am

    Syria is preparing to open a center to promote its exports in Baghdad

    10:12 - 22/10/2017

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    Syria is preparing to open a large center to promote Syrian exports in Baghdad in early December, a Syrian newspaper reported on Sunday.
    "In preparation for the opening of the center of Syrian exports in Baghdad and within the preparations at the beginning of next December, the Exporters 'Union in cooperation with the Damascus Chamber of Industry and Rural Development held a meeting yesterday at the Industrialists' Iraqi businesses, each of which represents a specific sector. "
    "The aim of the forum is to re-establish the economic relations between Syria and Iraq after years of absence because of the unfair war on both countries," the head of the Exporters' Union, Mohammed Al-Sawah, was quoted as saying. "The aim is to open up promotional and marketing centers and free warehouses, Direct sales or even at the level of supply, which was accepted by the Iraqi side, has been coordinated with the Iraqi embassy to establish a center for Syrian exports in Iraq, especially after the visibility of the opening of the crossings and it was agreed to establish a marketing center and large warehouses covering all sectors " .
    "The cost has reached $ 1500 per 16 square meters and includes a visa to Iraq, a travel ticket and one person's stay," he said.
     For his part, the representative of the Iraqi industrialists in the forum said Iraqi businessman Fuad Khafaja that "the forum represents a true start for the Syrian industry in the Iraqi markets, especially as the Syrian product has the confidence of the Iraqi consumer," announcing the "formation of joint task forces to establish an exhibition of Syrian products specializing in selling Direct and will be sponsored by the Iraqi Council of Representatives and the Committee on Investment and Economy in cooperation with the Exporters' Union. " Ending / 25

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