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    Foreign Policy: Washington refuses to use the aircraft in Iraq march

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    Foreign Policy: Washington refuses to use the aircraft in Iraq march Empty Foreign Policy: Washington refuses to use the aircraft in Iraq march

    Post by Rocky Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:43 am

    Foreign Policy: Washington refuses to use the aircraft in Iraq march

    10.05.2013 | (Voice of Iraq) - Add a comment -

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    said Foreign Policy magazine in a report that the Obama administration is unwilling to appear in access new war in Iraq through the use of drones, requested by the Iraqis so much to help them in control of the airspace and to deal with al-Qaeda and camps.
    magazine said that over the weeks ago, the Iraqi officials are spreading the idea of using drones, U.S. to hit the al Qaeda-linked militants who are increasing their brutality on the land of the country. But the Obama administration aircraft regular friendly, drones, it seems that they are not in the mood to open a new front in the global campaign against aircraft attacks. He says officials in the American administration that attacks piloted aircraft in Iraq is not on طاولتهم now.
    , and despite the fact that no Iraqi counterparts and U.S. officials will say who canceled the use of unmanned aircraft in Iraq, it is no secret that began discussed first.
    On a visit to Washington in 17 of last August, transfer, Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, said Baghdad is seeking to obtain advisers Americans, and air traffic control or the use of drones to fight al Qaeda in Iraq.
    was Zebari has said "We can not fight these terrorist threats mounting on our own. " When talking about drones specifically, he said as long as they are used "to target al-Qaeda and its rules," without causing "collateral damage", Iraqis would welcome them.
    In the same month, he repeated the Iraqi ambassador to Washington, Luqman Philly, Iraq's desire aircraft drones. He said that "the reason for which we think is now supported by drones is that we need to better control over our skies so that we can track and destroy al-Qaeda camps in the country."
    It is not difficult to understand why the Iraqis attention directed aircraft. On Monday last, behind the 12 car bomb attack dozens of people dead in an event that would cause a shock in any other country, is located in the civil war.
    However, Iraq has witnessed a brutal 38 accident in the last 12 months. In the year 2013 alone, Iraq is witnessing an explosion at an average of 68 car bombs per month.According to UN reports that 5740 Iraqi civilians were killed since January so far, which is more than twice the number of the dead who have signed up in 2010 as a whole.
    Although these figures Thunderbolt, the United States is not about to open a new war in Iraq aircraft without pilot. As he said an administration official said the use of drones war did not come up for discussion, not even the subject of thinking in regards to Iraq.
    U.S. officials say publicly that they stand behind the Iraqi government in its struggle to fight the wave of al Qaeda attacks escalating in the country.
    has said a spokeswoman for the National Security Council , Bernadette Meehan, "We look to the Government of Iraq a key partner in the fight jointly against al-Qaeda," she added "We are in an ongoing dialogue to explore possible ways to expand cooperation and assistance in facilitating Iraq's ability to weaken and defeat al-Qaeda network active inside Iraq., and beyond this, I'm not going to discuss Details diplomatic discussions. "
    but experts in counter-terrorism operations Iraqi say there is more than one reason may be behind the unwillingness of the United States to engage in this. Said Joseph Quinn, a teacher at Mrkazhoyst Point to combat terrorism, that "the administration brought us out of Iraq, and this is an achievement to them. So any intensification of activity in Iraq again would be against this success."
    and added, "may be the American administration is concerned what we call in the war to "mission creep" military, in the sense that it starts with the drones, but where will arrive?. "
    There are legal considerations as well. He says Sam برانن, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said that "there is a legal process is very strict and behind determine the candidate for the targeting and who is not so," and explains that the drones "to Atdharb targets without that there will be understanding of intelligence is very strong that the aim is a direct threat to the United States. In this case, it is clear that the targets pose a threat to Iraq, but not necessarily that it poses a threat to the United States. " But Ambassador Lukman Philly refused to say whether the Iraqis had made ​​a request for the use of drones or not, but said they will continue to request further assistance from the United States.
    said Philly "on the support that we get it, is the level we need urgent him? both" . He added that this "zone سلطنا light clearly also highlighted other officials."
    He said that the United States remains in support of the Iraqis in several respects, including the control of terrorists. "We get positive messages from the United States says they are more than happy to work with us in addressing the urgent need on the ground, first in the Western Sahara, and in this regard, there is cooperation going on now, including surveillance activities."

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