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    Jubouri calls for opening a new page of relations between the center and the region

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Jubouri calls for opening a new page of relations between the center and the region Empty Jubouri calls for opening a new page of relations between the center and the region

    Post by Rocky Thu 02 Nov 2017, 2:25 am

    [ltr]Jubouri calls for opening a new page of relations between the center and the region[/ltr]

     Since 2017-11-02 at 08:40 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]Baghdad - Mawazine News[/ltr]
    [ltr]Speaker of the Parliament Salim al-Jubouri, the deputies of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan to return to the parliamentary sessions and contribute actively within the legislative authority, adding that the stage requires further calm and the opening of a new page of relations between the center and the region.[/ltr]
    [ltr]"The Speaker of the House of Representatives Salim al-Jubouri, received yesterday evening, a delegation included a number of deputies of the Kurdistan Democratic Party," noting that "during the meeting reviewed the overall political and security situation in the country and the region, And the efforts of political parties in resolving the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil, and the file of Kirkuk and the rest of the disputed areas. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]"The stage requires more calm and the opening of a new page of relations between the center and the region," Jubouri said, adding that "the importance of giving an opportunity for dialogue and the search for outputs to resolve the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil is based on national constants."[/ltr]
    [ltr]He added that "the national partnership requires all components to abide by the Constitution and the authority of the state, and that the coup against them will not benefit any party or party had a prominent role in strengthening the pillars of democracy in the country," calling on the Kurdistan Democratic Party "to return to parliamentary sessions and contribute effectively Within the federal legislative authority and take their role of oversight and legislative as well as their colleagues from other blocs. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]"The importance of preserving the unity of the country and not compromising its security and stability," he stressed, calling for "citizenship to be a platform for all and a standard in resolving differences, especially with regard to the disputed areas, most notably Kirkuk, which we look forward to maintaining security and work to remove tension through dialogue And sharing the power of the province administration among its components without exclusion or marginalization. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]For their part, the price of the deputies of the Kurdistan Democratic Party "efforts of the Speaker of the House of Representatives in encircling the crises and his efforts to bring the views of the parties to the political process and guarantee the unity and stability of the country."[/ltr]

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