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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Opponents of the elections are waving a boycott and breaking the quorum to disrupt parliament sessio

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    Opponents of the elections are waving a boycott and breaking the quorum to disrupt parliament sessio Empty Opponents of the elections are waving a boycott and breaking the quorum to disrupt parliament sessio

    Post by Rocky Sat 20 Jan 2018, 1:49 am

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    Opponents of the elections are waving a boycott and breaking the quorum to disrupt parliament sessions

     Baghdad / Mohammed Sabah 

    The forces supporting the postponement of the parliamentary elections for six months threatened the National Alliance to withdraw from all meetings in which the dates proposed by the government to hold the elections in May next, stressing that the resolution of the electoral deadlines will be through the mechanism of secret ballot.
    The Shiite alliance renewed its refusal to offer the ratification of the dates of the elections through the "secret ballot," stressing that Saturday's session will witness the approval of the date of elections on 12 May next by public vote. "The 
    MP of the Union of Iraqi forces, Mohamed Nuri al-Abed Rabbo of (range)," To the method of breaking the quorum in each session, which shows the timing set by the government to conduct elections. " 
    The Council of Ministers decided last month, the date of parliamentary elections from 15 May 2018 to 12 May, at the suggestion of the Electoral Commission. Conducting elections at the scheduled times The government , citing , among her painting of reasons in the forefront of the delayed return of displaced families to their towns and not to allocate the necessary funds in the federal budget for the reconstruction of cities liberated from Daesh in addition to the inventory of arms to the state.
    Al-Abed Rabbo added that "the Union of Iraqi Forces, the National Alliance, the Kurdistan Alliance and the minorities and some other deputies will withdraw from the meeting in the event that the National Alliance insists on resolving the dates of the elections by public vote." 
    The coalition of Iraqi forces submitted two proposals to the presidency of parliament. The first is to postpone the parliamentary and local elections by not less than one year to allow the government and the political and popular forces to complete the necessary conditions set by the Council of Ministers with the extension of the work of the Council of Representatives. While the second proposal speaks of the lack of coverage of the provinces occupied by the organizations advocating in the event of holding the elections deadlines and limited to conduct in other provinces. 
    The adoption of the secret vote, in Thursday's session to vote on the proposed dates, a wide debate ended with verbal exchanges between the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the National Alliance blocs announced their withdrawal from the meeting.
    The withdrawal of Shiite forces from the session to disrupt the quorum without the House of Representatives to vote on the date of parliamentary elections, scheduled to adjourn the meeting to Saturday to complete the ratification of the dates of the elections. 
    "The parliamentary forces supporting the idea of ​​postponing the elections firmly insist on resolving the issue of approving the dates of the elections in the House of Representatives, relying on the secret ballot," stressing the "refusal to resort to the option of public vote, which the National Alliance tries to adopt. 
    Al-Abedrabh said that "the elections can be postponed in the western regions and cities until security conditions are restored and all displaced families return." He stressed that "the real partnership of the next government administration requires the National Alliance to know the obstacles and problems facing the voters in the provinces that suffer from destruction."
    The representative of Ninewa that "the Union of Iraqi forces does not mind the holding of elections within the limits set by the government provided that the commitment to the return of displaced persons and disarmament of all factions and confined to the hand of the state and the reconstruction of cities destroyed by terrorism," expressing his fear of some armed parties attempt to threaten the displaced and forcing them to to vote. " 
    reveals MP for the mass of dialogue , " the presence of the provinces operating system Albaymo metric other provinces electoral data did not occur, making these cities and regions prone to the scourge of fraud , "and wondered" where equal opportunities among the Iraqi people set by the Constitution and the law . " 
    It emphasizes Alabdrih that" the Electoral Commission is unable to provide technical atmosphere for the voters of these areas unless rectify quickly conduct the process of updating the voter records and provide all things Allojtsah available in the southern provinces. "
    Meanwhile, the National Alliance responds to the insistence of the Union of Iraqi Forces to resort to secret ballot to resolve the dates of the elections in Saturday's session. "The parliament will approve the government's proposal, which set the date of May 12 as the date for the elections," said MP Sadik al-Laban. 
    "The vote in the Saturday session will be public and not secret, as happened in the session Thursday," pointing out that "the law of elections of the House of Representatives is ready and expected in the Presidency of the House of Representatives." 
    The parliamentary legal committee removed the dates proposed by the government to hold the elections in the first half of next May, and refused to include them in the amendments to the draft election law, leaving the parliament the possibility of setting new dates for the elections will be determined at this weekend's meeting.
    A member of the independent bloc that "the Legal Committee added more than ten proposals on the law of parliamentary elections, which will resolve the debate at the earliest session," stressing that "can not postpone the elections and the extension of the work of Parliament."

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