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    Newspaper reveals Saudi Arabia's extensive land purchases in Basra

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    Newspaper reveals Saudi Arabia's extensive land purchases in Basra  Empty Newspaper reveals Saudi Arabia's extensive land purchases in Basra

    Post by Rocky Thu 08 Feb 2018, 2:49 am

    Newspaper reveals Saudi Arabia's extensive land purchases in Basra 

    09:00 - 08/02/2018
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    Information / Baghdad ..
    A Lebanese newspaper revealed on Thursday that Saudi Arabia has made large purchases of land in the province of Basra, noting that the purchases are made through intermediaries belonging to the Sadrist movement.
    The newspaper "News" in a report seen by (information), "Saudi Arabia has been for quite some time large purchases of land in the oil province," indicating that "the procurement process through intermediaries belonging to the Sadrist movement, specifically in the« Economic Committee » , Previously solved by the leader of the current Moqtada al-Sadr. "
    The newspaper added, quoting well-informed sources, that "the mediators, whose degree of belonging to the mainstream, complete these operations in coordination with real estate offices, usually run by" Sadrists "or owned by the people affiliated with the" Sadrist line "who have no organizational capacity in it.
    The sources added that "while the sources are unaware of the reasons for these figures, some political sources link this movement to al-Sadr's visit to Saudi Arabia last July, where he met a number of officials, headed by Mohammed bin Salman."
    The newspaper quoted a source as saying that "what is happening in Basra, has already arranged during the visit of al-Sadr and his meeting with Ibn Salman," noting that "the goals that drive the Sadrists to that relate to political competition, or from the enemy enemy of my friend."
    A member of the Basra Provincial Council Karim Shawak told the newspaper that the purchase of agricultural land in the province by Saudi Arabia, attributing "Saudi infiltration" in Iraq to the chaos experienced by the country.
    When asked about the presence of political parties behind the facilitation of procurement, he stressed that "there are Iraqi parties to help external intervention, in order to take into account their partisan and personal interests."
    On August 1, Sadr's office issued a statement on his visit to Riyadh, saying that "it led to discussing ways of enhancing cooperation between the two countries in various fields, exploiting investment opportunities in Iraq, contributing to the development of the southern and central regions and opening a general consulate in Najaf Al-Ashraf. Ending / 25

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