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    Newspaper: Iran signed an agreement with Iraq and Syria to establish the Tehran-Damascus highway Sun

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    Newspaper: Iran signed an agreement with Iraq and Syria to establish the Tehran-Damascus highway Sun Empty Newspaper: Iran signed an agreement with Iraq and Syria to establish the Tehran-Damascus highway Sun

    Post by Rocky Sun Apr 08, 2018 6:36 pm

    Newspaper: Iran signed an agreement with Iraq and Syria to establish the Tehran-Damascus highway

    Sunday, April 8,

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    revealed an Arab newspaper, Sunday, for the Iranian government signed an agreement with Iraq and Syria to create a "highway" stems from Tehran and passes the entire Iraqi territory and crossed the way to Damascus and Beirut , noting that "Iranian companies" that will implement the project, while I explained that the agreement requires that this road be protected by the Iraqi and Iranian armies. 

    The newspaper "Al-Quds Al-Arabi," in a report of its head from Damascus, " Iran Has concluded a bilateral agreement with the Syrian and Iraqi regimes to establish an autostrade from Tehran passes through the entire Iraqi territory and pass through to Damascus, and may be completed to reach the Lebanese capital Beirut, the project to implement Iranian companies, "noting that some" saw the project as a culmination of Iranian intervention in Syria , And to achieve part of the gains that Tehran has gained from its armed intervention since 2012 in Syria, in order to maintain the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. "
    The newspaper quoted Syrian opposition as saying that "the project is a malignant investment that led Tehran to gains and old ambitions planned for decades." 

    In the details of the project, the newspaper said that "the authorities in Iran, Iraq and Syria signed a project to establish an autostrad, which starts from Tehran, the Iranian capital and passes through its territory and then the territory of Iraq and passes through the entire Iraqi territory, and then through the Syrian territory to the Syrian capital Damascus, "The agreement stipulates that the Iranian, Iraqi and Syrian armies will be guarded by the highway, in addition to the police of Iran, the Iraqi police and the Syrian police, as well as the rapid police cars that will be established between 150 centers and 300 centers on both sides of the road. "He said.

    The plan will take two years at an undisclosed cost to be collected within five years. This highway will transport goods from Iran to the Mediterranean and may continue towards the Lebanese capital Beirut. Iranian trucks will reach Lebanese, Iraqi and Syrian ports. "He said. 

    Al-Quds Al-Arabi considered the project as the "artery of tourism", likely to "visit between 8 million to 12 million Iranian tourists in addition to Iraqi tourists to Lebanon and Syria annually." 

    In the face of this development, an early military source told the newspaper that "the Syrian and Iranian authorities have concluded a deal with the Russians to ensure Moscow control of oil wells in Deir al-Zour, in exchange for the extension of a road road to the Iranian capital in Syria."

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