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    Turki; Central Bank tries to modify the banking laws commensurate with the current situation

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Turki; Central Bank tries to modify the banking laws commensurate with the current situation  Empty Turki; Central Bank tries to modify the banking laws commensurate with the current situation

    Post by lonelyintexas Mon 25 Nov 2013, 11:26 am

    Turki; Central Bank tries to modify the banking laws commensurate with the current situation


    The governor of the Central Bank and the Agency Abdel Basset Turki said the bank is trying to effectively amend banking laws and anti-money laundering law in line with the current situation.

    Turki said in a speech during a workshop held by the central bank yesterday to discuss the proposals to amend the Banking Act and the Central Bank Law and the law against money laundering, "said the central bank seeks to play a special role in economic development." According to a statement by the Central Bank.

    "He's since we receive the tasks of responsibility in the central bank discussed with the competent legal possibility of amending banking laws that came after 2003, according to the exceptional circumstances in order to develop and make it fit with the current banking business."

    He said, "he Aikhvi the existence of obstacles facing the work of banks, including Article 28 of the Law No. 94 Iraqi banks for the year 2004, adding that it was time

    Modifies the decision to put that article in accordance with the controls and mechanisms available to the central bank.

    And between "The workshop, which is currently being held in the presence of professors and specialists who are competent affairs financial and legal will be an opportunity for them and a vital area to put their ideas and opinions to amend these laws, stressing that the International Monetary Fund drew in their last meeting in Washington, the central banks to play a developmental role and exceeded the role given to it confined to the regulate monetary policy for the countries. "

    "The central bank has already taken the directive is in the process to prepare an economic development plan that will promote the economic reality in the country.

    He pointed out that the central bank is now heading to amend the law on anti-money laundering, as is the case in other countries that are looking through experts the possibility of the development of the law. "

    He pointed out "that will be holding an international conference in the State of Bahrain to determine the main Almakoat facing the law and the possibility of putting a new version agree all the controls and mechanisms for each international

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