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    Parliament seeks to pass a law the Federation Council during the last legislative term

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Join date : 2012-12-19
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    Parliament seeks to pass a law the Federation Council during the last legislative term Empty Parliament seeks to pass a law the Federation Council during the last legislative term

    Post by lonelyintexas Fri 06 Dec 2013, 9:55 pm

    Parliament seeks to pass a law the Federation Council during the last legislative term

    7/12/2013 0:00

    Despite continuing differences over some of its articles

    BAGHDAD - morning

    with a view to the completion of the structure of the federal legislative authority and the consecration of the construction of federal institutions and protect the interests of the regions and provinces and addressing a constitutional vacuum, is seeking the House of Representatives to approve the law of the Federation Council next month, according to a source in the Committee of the Regions parliamentary.

    member of the Committee of the Regions Mehdi Haji stressed that there are many points of disagreement on the Law of the Federation Council, despite reading the first reading and the second inside the dome of the parliament, noting that discussions about it are still continuing. said Haji »Sabah»: The «of the most prominent observations on this law he made quickly and still need to Talk, because the Constitution requires us to accomplish this law during the current parliamentary session and be the Federation Council legislative authority next to the House of Representatives during the legislative season last ». According to the source »Sabah»,

    the «most prominent differences revolve on« determine the number of members from each province, as The law went on to be the number is four without specifying the mechanism of their choice whether it is by the province or by the provincial council and whether the appointment or selection, as well as the existence of a dispute over the regions and how to represent them because the law did not specify that, in addition to determining the proportion of women in this Council who has not prescribed by law must be 25 percent ».

    featuring the Federation Council representatives from the regions and governorates that are not organized in a region and regulates its composition, terms of membership, and its terms of reference, and all that it involves law enacted by a majority of two-thirds of the members of parliament, according to the permanent constitution, and is a two Houses of power federal legislative accordance with Article (48) Title III Chapter I of the Constitution, which states: «consists federal legislative authority of the Parliament and the Council of the Union».

    as source noted the existence of differences on «identify joint sessions between the House of Representatives and the Federation Council and the mechanism session, as the powers This council has not set yet, you will be more than the House of Representatives or lower it and how to submit it, and the legislation of laws, ie what is the exclusive powers of the Federation Council so that it is synonymous with the House of Representatives? ».

    However, he confirmed the existence of the meetings of the members of the Shura Council and legislators to this law in order to benefit from the the experiences of other countries, as well as many dialogues will be held in order to exit form the final of this law. was due to respect to the Federation Council, including the following:

    First: to provide projects and ideas of rights relating and governorates not organized in a region, to the House of Representatives for the formulation of proposals for laws.

    Secondly: consider the laws and resolutions approved by the House of Representatives referred to it.

    Thirdly approved by an absolute majority of the members of the Council on the appointment of the Chairman and members of the Federal Court of Cassation, the Chief Public Prosecutor, and the President of Judicial Oversight Commission, on the proposal of the Supreme Judicial Council.

    IV: The Quest for the settlement of disputes that get between provinces, or between them and governorates not organized in a region or between provinces.

    V. monitoring to ensure the rights of the regions and governorates that are not organized in a region in the fair participation in the administration of various state federal institutions.

    Sixth: control acts Authority to monitor the allocations of federal revenue allocation of federal revenues.

    The candidate for membership of the Union, what is required in a candidate for membership of the House of Representatives, in addition to being one of the inhabitants of the province, which is represented by, and must have completed thirty years of age.

    as the duration of the session of the Union of four calendar years, starting from the date of its first sitting, and ending the end of the session of the fourth year.

    and according to the bill, the Board may session of the annual two legislative standing eight months determines the rules of procedure shall be held, as it must make decisions in the Council by a simple majority of the members present, after a quorum is achieved, unless stated otherwise. provides project also «A member of the Federation Council, the rights and privileges enjoyed by a member of the House of Representatives. Second: - A member of the Federation Council immunity enjoyed by a member of the House of Representatives, and set forth in paragraph (ii) of item (a) and ( [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]and © of Article (63) of the Constitution.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    This is important and goes hand in hand with the just signed agreement about the Kurdistan Region and Baghdad over the oil.  (REFERENCE THE SIXTH PARAGRAPH)

      Current date/time is Thu 06 Jun 2024, 8:03 am