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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    An Iraqi center calls for a quick diplomatic move to stop US decisions against the popular crowd

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    An Iraqi center calls for a quick diplomatic move to stop US decisions against the popular crowd   Empty An Iraqi center calls for a quick diplomatic move to stop US decisions against the popular crowd

    Post by Rocky Tue 12 Jun 2018, 5:02 am

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    An Iraqi center calls for a quick diplomatic move to stop US decisions against the popular crowd  

    The Iraqi Center for Media Development held on Tuesday, entitled "US decisions to criminalize popular mobilization factions in an attempt to undermine the national order in Iraq," calling for rapid diplomatic action to stop those decisions.
    The Center said in a statement received by the Journal News that "the seminar was held today in the presence of journalists and editors of daily newspapers and cultural and promotional centers opened by Adnan Al-Sarraj, president of the Iraqi Center for Media Development, with a welcome speech." The achievements of the heroes of the crowd of victories made the world stand respectful and appreciative For those great sacrifices where everyone was witness to the humanitarian dealings of the heroes of the popular crowd in the liberated areas. "
    Al-Sarraj added that "the recent decisions of the United States against some of the popular popular factions have come to provoke the feelings of all the Iraqi people in their various national efforts and the martyrs who fell in defense of Iraq, the wounded and the disabled."
    "These factions have played a major role in the elimination of terrorist groups, and a clear national stance must be taken to prevent the repetition of such excesses against the unity of the country," said the statement.  
    He said that "the timing of the decisions came at a time when Iraq is stable security and social after the disposal of terrorist gangs after the overlap of a number of attendees where was discussed some of the suggestions and recommendations on the subject."

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